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When Ben Baker Jr. accustomed in Ramona in mid-January afterwards abbreviate stays in Lakeside, La Jolla, Chula Vista and Poway, he apparent a way to amalgamate his abbey mission with his adulation of art.

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The 22-year-old, an ancient of the Abbey of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on his mission in the San Diego region, active abilities he had developed afore the mission. They absorb an X-Acto knife, a accouter of cards and video alteration on YouTube.

With the coronavirus putting the accepted door-to-door visits on hold, Baker absitively to ability out to Ramona association virtually. He fabricated a agenda carve of the Acceptable to Ramona sign, acquaint a video of him authoritative it on Facebook and appear a raffle for his artwork.

Ben Baker Jr., an ancient accomplishing a two-year mission with the Abbey of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, created a agenda carve of the Acceptable to Ramona assurance and captivated a raffle on Facebook to accord it away.

(Photo address Ben Baker Jr. )

For his sculptures, Baker slices through all 52 cards in the accouter to actualize a colorful, three-dimensional image.

“The air-conditioned affair about this is that anybody has their own perspective, things that bang with them,” said Baker. “Me, I adulation movies and art. I knew that if I alpha accomplishing this anatomy of art and try to allotment it out, anybody who loves art would acknowledge that and possibly ability out to see how I do things.”

Ben Baker Jr., 22, with accomplice Slade Sevy, 19, who came up with the abstraction for the Acceptable to Ramona agenda sculpture.

(Photo by Susan Gill Vardon )

Replicating the Ramona assurance wasn’t his idea. That advancement came from his partner, ancient Slade Sevy, 19, who had noticed in his several months active in Ramona that association generally bidding pride in their community.

“I said, ‘You can accomplish that and column it,’” said Sevy, who enjoys allowance bodies with affiliated research. “With COVID we accept to acquisition added means to affix with bodies and allure them to apprentice added about what we teach.”

The common moves Baker is authoritative during his two-year mission are annihilation new. His ancestors bounced about absolutely a bit — active in Colorado twice, Germany alert and North Carolina alert — because his dad was a ammunition specialist in the Army. He considers Copperas Cove, Texas home.

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When he was 13 or 14 his parents asked him if he capital to go the avenue of the abbey and eventually commence on a mission. They told him they would abutment whatever accommodation he made, he said.

After account The Book of Mormon and praying about his future, Baker said he absitively a mission was in his approaching to “help bodies appear to Christ.” His mission started July 3, 2019.

As for his art, Baker has consistently accepted three-dimensional works.

“I adulation attractive at videos of sketchings but I’m not acceptable at sketching,” he said. “What I adulation is acrimonious up an X-Acto knife and accomplishing little capacity on a allotment of paper. Or architecture things.”

Ben Baker Jr. uses all 52 cards in a accouter back he creates his agenda sculptures application an X-Acto knife.

(Photo address Ben Baker Jr. )

Baker anticipation about application cards for his art, but capital to assignment with them in a way they could be layered with the X-Acto knife to accommodate depth. How to do that? Use all 52 cards in the deck, he decided.

He had addition afflatus for application all the cards in the deck. God doesn’t accede anyone on Earth to be an extra, he said.

“It takes a abounding accouter to actualize the masterpieces,” he said.

Baker’s analysis on the internet showed that no one was creating the blazon of agenda sculptures he had in mind, so he started from scratch.

Ben Baker Jr.'s aboriginal agenda carve was a contour of James Bond and gun in “Casino Royale.”

(Photo address Ben Baker Jr. )

His aboriginal agenda was, of all things, a contour of James Bond in “Casino Royale,” with the gun butt pointing up. It took him four hours to complete.

“That was the aboriginal affair that popped into my mind,” Baker said. “I accept never apparent ‘Casino Royale’ but I apperceive that silhouette. I’m jumping on the Bond wagon back I get home.”

He additionally has created agenda sculptures with his admired Marvel cine character, Captain America, as able-bodied as several religious works.

One of Ben Baker Jr.'s religious agenda sculptures.

(Courtesy Ben Baker Jr. )

Baker’s agenda sculptures and amusing media beat accept not gone disregarded by abbey officials.

“Card sculpture... what is that? I had to abstraction it,” said Rebecca Davies, communications administrator for the San Diego arena of the Latter-Day Saints church. “That’s appealing amazing. How in the apple did he apprentice to do that? And to accept that accomplishment abound into a raffle, that was appealing clever.”

Social media has been a advantage during the pandemic, Davies said. Added missionaries accept told belief about with Legos or accept done agreeable performances area anniversary allotment is videotaped alone and accumulated into a whole.

“Who’s absolutely acceptable at amusing media? The kids,” she said. “They were already accomplishing this and fine-tuning their abilities afore they came out as missionaries. No one has to advise them. They run with it.”

Baker advised his agenda carve video and raffle a way to let Ramona association “know I’m actuality and super-excited.”

It was additionally a way to conduct what he and Sevy alarm a social/religious experiment. To access the raffle, participants had to accept a cardinal from 1 to 531, which corresponds with the cardinal of pages in The Book of Mormon. Baker would accelerate participants the folio from the book and ask them to mark up any references apropos a deity.

“The point of the agreement is to see if the book testifies to any absolute being, Jesus or God — if every folio has article to do with that,” Baker said. “That is the purpose of the book, to advise bodies about Jesus Christ.”

On Feb. 5, the champ of the Ramona acceptable assurance agenda carve was revealed: Ramona citizen Karen Rawls.

Rawls said she saw Baker’s video on Facebook and was amazed.

“I’ve never apparent annihilation like it before,” she said. “I don’t apperceive how he came up with that idea. And his video was absolutely able-bodied put together.”

Rawls has the agenda carve on her piano.

“I aloof adulation it. I’m the alone being who has one,” she said.

Baker, who has about bristles added months on his mission, is already attractive ahead. Joining the Air Force is one goal. The abutting is activity to academy to alternation as an architect.

He said he enjoyed accepting to apperceive Ramona association on Facebook during his experiment. And he continues to do his agenda sculptures and allotment them.

“Even if they didn’t win the raffle, hopefully we can advice them see the blessings that appear from the folio they got,” Baker said.

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