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Riddle me this: What absolutely is a "note-taking app"?

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It seems about acutely obvious, I apperceive — but it's a catechism I've begin myself disturbing to acknowledgment as I've been exploring a new brand of information-storing services.

The casework acquiesce you to aggregate and adapt thoughts, lists, and all sorts of added materials. They also, however, accommodate a able framework for mapping out circuitous projects, processing ample amounts of data, and alike autograph documents. And they're all advised to abutment some appealing adult forms of collaboration.

So are they note-taking apps? Are they chat processors — or maybe spreadsheet editors? Or are they assignment administering tools, activity administering tools, or conceivably alike aloof ample "collaboration utilities"?

Ultimately, I doubtable what we alarm 'em depends on how we're application 'em at any accustomed moment — because what absolutely sets these apps afar from the added archetypal note-taking programs is the actuality that they're shape-shifting genies. Their versatility allows them to comedy a amazing cardinal of roles and about-face into about annihilation you charge them to be.

Today, we're activity to focus on how they can supplement whatever added acceptable note-taking software you're application and advice you actualize a awful customized and awfully adjustable adjustment for advice organization. So after added ado, here's a abundant allegory of three standout accoutrement that could actively agitate up the way you anticipate about addendum — and so abundant more.

If you're attractive for a simple yet power-packed abode to abundance and adapt information, Workflowy ability be aloof the adumbration you've been cat-and-mouse for. The annual is congenital about abundant ammo points, anniversary of which additionally doubles as its own standalone document.

Sounds unusual, right? It is — but already you blanket your apperception about the concept, it's absolutely an abundantly able and analytic framework for calendar collection. And the annual does an amazing job of authoritative abiding you accept what it's all about from the additional you assurance in.

A sample annual — a node, in Workflowy argot — greets you aloft your aboriginal sign-in and introduces you to the Workflowy way. Workflowy is "an absolute document," it explains. It's like a alternation of interlinked ammo points, alone in accession to accretion and annoyed the layers of advice aural anniversary point, you can attainable any point and again assignment aural it, as if it were a document, artlessly by beat the dot at its start.

Workflowy's "infinite document" adjustment opens up lots of absorbing possibilities, as this sample bulge illustrates. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

The means you could use that "infinite document" bureaucracy are, rather appropriately, about infinite. You could actualize quick 'n' simple addendum as their own nodes or advance multilayered lists for tasks, goals, or alike affair outlines. Or you could anticipate through circuitous aggregation projects and use Workflowy's bulleted layers to anatomy every aftermost detail of your assorted accomplish and phases.

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The ammo point anatomy aural Workflowy is altogether ill-fitted for circuitous activity alignment — which is about aloof a anxiously presented accumulating of notes.

Basic anatomy aside, Workflowy has affluence of applied appearance — aggregate from a congenital tagging adjustment for added alignment to a alternation of acute shortcuts for zipping about the apps quickly. It alike has accoutrement for apery items and acceptance them to arise in assorted nodes at already and abide synced beyond all of those places.

And again there's the breadth of administering and collaboration: With one bang on a agenda alongside any ammo point, Workflowy lets you consign the absolute point — with any associated sublayers — for attainable copying, pasting, or adhering (as an HTML file). You can additionally actualize attainable web links for either a complete bulge or alike aloof a specific ammo point aural a bulge and again allotment those with anyone for collaborative examination or editing.

Workflowy is attainable on the web as able-bodied as in built-in apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. The annual is chargeless with a absolute of 250 new lists and items per month. A Pro plan — which removes that brake and additionally adds in added customization options, a Dropbox advancement possibility, and premium-level abutment — runs $49 a year or $48 per user per year in a aggregation arrangement, with administering abilities included.

Workflowy's simple anatomy and text-centric attributes are characteristic advantages that accomplish the annual both able to use and attainable to administer — but if you're attractive for article added robust, well, accumulate reading.

While Workflowy revolves about ammo points, with abundant abstracts attainable at every level, Coda goes in a altered administration and brings the abstracts avant-garde and center.

You could absolutely aloof use Coda as a Google Docs-like chat processor, in fact, but that's alone abrading the apparent of what the annual has to offer. As allotment of any certificate aural Coda, you can actualize aggregate from alternate spreadsheet-style tables to absolutely anatomic buttons for assuming avant-garde accomplishments aural your workspace. It's about as if a annual like Airtable had been alone into a beyond certificate and had alike added possibilities added in about it.

This, for example, is the aperture folio of a certificate adjustment Coda gives you for managing a project:

Coda's project-managing adjustment shows one way a alternation of addendum could be organized and presented. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

The items on the larboard represent altered pages aural the document, while the beyond breadth of the awning is the currently alive page. And the sky's the absolute for what anniversary folio can accommodate — back instead of actuality abstracts in any acceptable chat processor sense, Coda's abstracts are all composed of blocks. And those blocks can authority annihilation from apparent argument to formatted lists or alike calendars that accompany to your Google annual and acquiesce you to both appearance and adapt your accepted calendar data.

Here, for instance, you see an alternate table with tasks followed by a alive Google Calendar bore and, alpha beneath that, a alternation of abundant ammo lists (similar to the Workflowy style):

Coda can supercharge your addendum with pages, lists, buttons, and alike anchored Google Calendar views. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

And annihilation in Coda is static. You can hover over that "Action items" table to acquisition commands for ambuscade columns, clarification and allocation the table's contents, and alteration all sorts of variables about its display.

Where Coda absolutely stands out, though, is on the adaptable front, area the annual seamlessly transforms all of your creations into app-like interfaces — with pages automatically angry into bottom-bar-tab sections and the absolute certificate demography on a built-in adaptable feel.

Coda makes any certificate attending and assignment like an app on your phone, after any added accomplishment required.

Coda isn't absolutely as diminutive as Workflowy in its accord capabilities, but it does acquiesce you to allotment absolute abstracts with colleagues, clients, or anyone abroad in your apogee — either anon or via a clandestine web articulation — and to accept whether those bodies can view, appearance and comment, or adapt the information.

Coda is attainable on the web as able-bodied as on Android and iOS. The annual is chargeless with a arrangement of limitations — up to 50 altar and 1,000 rows per document, amid added things — or $120 per year for a beneath belted Pro plan. In aggregation scenarios, the annual costs $30 per "doc maker" (meaning the actuality who absolutely creates new documents) per ages and is chargeless for any advisers who alone appearance or adapt absolute documents.

Much like the annual itself, the appraisement of Coda is a little complicated and article that takes a while to blanket your arch around. But additionally abundant like the service, it's anxiously anticipation out and arranged with potential. The alone absolute catechism is if it makes faculty for you.

If Coda is affectionate of like accepting a aftertaste of Workflowy aural a broader certificate form, Angle is about like a Bizzaro World adaptation of Coda with beneath alien data-source abutment but added focus on Trello-style board-based organization.

Just like Coda, Angle revolves about the, erm, angle of affluent agreeable blocks aural documents. So you could actualize a certificate with a mix of argument elements, alternate lists, and alike afar subpages:

Notion's abstracts let you mix all sorts of altered elements and kinds of agreeable calm in a distinct place. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

Or you could chase the advance of the service's "Roadmap" adjustment and go with a card-driven lath appearance to accumulate your notes, tasks, and account organized into categories or alike levels of completion.

Notion combines certificate angle and lath angle to accord you endless of adaptability with how you appearance and administer information. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

While Coda has its own set of able admitting complicated lath appearance options, Angle goes a footfall added with a polished, readily accessible, and attainable to use Trello-reminiscent adjustment of interacting with advice in that card-based environment. Beat on any agenda aural a Angle lath opens up a form-like appearance area you can see and adapt all sorts of abundant advice based on your own custom best of fields and parameters. You can annoyance and bead cards amid columns and assignment with them absolutely aural that adjustment appropriate out of the box — either on your own or with arrive collaborators.

Notion does acquiesce you to bury assertive types of alien content, too — including anatomic Google Maps, scrolling web pages, and playable videos — but the annual of possibilities and the interactivity of those elements is conspicuously beneath abundant than what Coda provides. And while the annual can booty some time to absolutely accept and master, it comes with a massive arrangement of templates that makes it attainable to get started — aggregate from the artefact roadmaps we aloof went over to simple structures for single-page notepads, hubs for multi-paged calendar collections, and spreadsheet-organized systems for things like aggregation directories and analysis databases.

Notion makes it attainable to adapt advice into alternate spreadsheets for some actively avant-garde advice management. (Click angel to enlarge it.)

Notion is attainable on the web as able-bodied as in built-in apps for Windows and Mac, Android, and iOS. It additionally has a appropriate web clipper addendum for Chrome or Firefox that makes it accessible to save any folio into the annual with a distinct bang from your desktop browser — and alike add notes, tag aggregation members, or actualize tasks about the folio appropriate there.

Notion is chargeless for individual, claimed use, with the alone absolute banned actuality a best of 5MB per uploaded book and a best of bristles "guests" for administering and collaboration. A $48 per year Pro plan removes those restrictions, while aggregation affairs action the aforementioned bureaucracy forth with a aggregation workspace and authoritative accoutrement for $8 per user per month.

And with that, the ability is clearly in your hands. Figure out which of these casework best apparel your information-juggling needs — and get accessible to booty on note-taking like never before.

Copyright © 2021 IDG Communications, Inc.

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