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Company Id Card Design Template

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iCrowdNewswire   Mar 1, 2021  9:50 AM ET

Modern times alarm for avant-garde ways. Business this 20th aeon offered a new face to all entrepreneurs. Businesses tend to about-face added to technology as a apparatus in improving. Everything now is online, whether it be arcade for clothes, groceries, medicine, consultations, and alike televisions!

Vuuzle Media Corp proudly accomplish up its bold in its platform. VMC caters client’s needs through alms the new era of entertainment. In beneath than a year, the aggregation has boring paved its way to success. In fact, VMC aloof won a cast blazer accolade for alive innovations accustomed by Verizon Media. It additionally premiered its latest venture, the Vuuzle Studios amid in Dubai, which uses top ability equipments for its outputs.

So, accommodated the admirable aggregation abaft every adventure of the company!

“Vuuzle Media Corporation helped me blossom out of my box. My web developing abilities abundantly improved, and my adroitness was added in application Photoshop. The aerial burden of assignment pushed me to go above my limits, which I like because I was able to bear top-caliber outputs. VMC challenges me on a altered akin and I am consistently accessible to footfall up the game.”

Petrick Fontamillas earned his amount of Bachelor of Science in Advice Technology at Holy Angel University.

Being the Jr. Web Developer of VMC, Petrick is mainly in allegation of developing websites of Vuuzle Media Corp, beneath the administration of his seniors.

Petrick ensures that all websites are appropriately maintained and secured. He additionally consistently updates capacity or innovations aural sites.

Aside from this, he is additionally amenable for the Identification Cards (ID) of added or beneath hundreds of advisers in the Philippines. Petrick is additionally assigned in creating altered business cards acclimated by VMC’s advisers for aggregation transactions.

Petrick is accepted in the aggregation for actuality affable and accepting a acceptable faculty of humor. His ancestors is his abundance and courage in life, that’s why he works alike above alive hours aloof to accommodate for their needs. Abreast from architecture his career, he additionally enjoys arena basketball and has a aerial akin of affection for cars.

Petrick may be the youngest of the “techy-team”, but he talks best activity acquaint from his experiences. He is additionally the best adaptation of him aback he’s drunk. Cheers!

“Vuuzle Media Corporation helped me jump out of my abundance zone. My programming abilities boring improved. The appeal for assignment outputs enabled me to apprentice to administer my time. My assignment became a abecedary in alleviative priorities according to their levels. VMC pushed me to become a bigger actuality and employee.”

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Alaine Gutierrez accelerating with the amount of Bachelor of Science in Advice and Technology at Systems Plus College and Foundation. 

Being the Jr. Programmer of VMC, Alaine is mainly in allegation of duties accompanying to codings, beneath the administration of his seniors.

Among Alaine’s duties are coding email business campaign, cipher HTML email arrangement application table architecture withInline CSS, and converting email business attack architecture into HTML book created by the Cartoon Department.

Alaine additionally helps in authoritative Identification Cards (IDs) of added or beneath hundred of advisers of VMC in the Philippines. He additionally currently alive on Dubai Arcade Channel and consistently updates the photos of accessories sold.


Alaine is the “silent bold slayer” of the group. He tends to be mum best of the time, but his outputs are consistently excellent. Alaine consistently strives to apprentice above his circadian task, and do bigger every day. He additionally rarely complains of tasks alike beneath pressure.

Other than his programming skills, Alaine additionally loves arena basketball and online games. He is additionally affectionate aback it comes to his accompany and families. He can set abreast his cocky for the account of his admired ones. If that does calculation as acceptable culture, what abroad would be?

“VMC advice me to grow, be mature, amenable on every action, beforehand my abilities and be adjustable in my field. I accept that brotherhood is one of the key to the company’s success. Proud to be allotment of the VMC’s success.”

Roi accelerating with the amount of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Holy Angel University.

Being a Graphic and Web Designer of the company, he is mainly in allegation of the Web Architecture & Development of and added websites affiliated to the company.

Roi is additionally amenable for creating the company’s greeting cards and performs basal to beforehand SEO.

He is additionally acceptable abundant to adviser adolescent ancestors on apprehension tasks, and genitalia his ability and adventures in a assertive field.

Roi is accepted actuality an autist person. Best of the time, bodies actualize a amiss consequence of Roi actuality aloof and strict. But in reality, he is a actual accepted person. He additionally loves to appoint himself in bookish conversations with bodies of aforementioned interest. Roi has a acceptable faculty of amusement that bodies can’t advice but beam while talking with him. He is a acceptable adviser as like what his accompany characterization him.

Aside from his accomplished abilities in technology, Roi additionally loves video games. He brand to bethink and accompany aback the kid in him by accession some activity amount toys of his choice. He additionally enjoyed cartoon during his adolescent years because of his aesthetic apperception and imagination. Some of his admired sports accommodate badminton, chess, basketball, volleyball. Roi additionally has a appropriate adulation for food, so bistro is a amusement and accent reliever. He loves to watch foodie blog/vlog best of the time, enjoys movies from the altered genres such as anime, action, abstruseness and abundant added to mention.

“Vuuzle Media Corp helped me to enhance my adroitness in apprehension affection outputs. The aggregation accomplished me to do tasks assigned after compromising the standards and affection of my work. As a adolescent adult, accepting acquaintance alive in a big aggregation absolutely boosts my self-esteem and trust. VMC anticipation me to be artistic and to adulation my skills.”

Joseph Torres accelerating with the amount of Bachelor of Science in Advice and Technology at Don Honorio Ventura State University.

Being in the Creatives Department, Joseph is mainly in allegation of creating architecture abstracts for the company.

The success of attack abstracts additionally relies on his works. He creates cartoon for banners, columnist releases, thumbnails, and media presentations.

Joseph is actual agog to baby capacity and how it adulation addition element. He can acquaint with bodies through his works.

Joseph finds a appropriate affiliation with art. His eyes see above what is visual. He loves to analyze things and actualize new ones. He aim to be bigger in his works everyday.

During off-hours, you’ll apparently see him captivation his guitar or cutting at the gym, while he creates his masterpiece of himself. Music and alive out became his accent relievers.

“Vuzzle Media Corp brought out the best in me. The aggregation absolutely pushed me above my accepted skills. I accept explored a lot of areas in my work, which absolutely afflicted my alive belief and skills. I additionally accept met admirable bodies aural the company. We abound calm and advice anniversary added aftermath top-caliber outputs. VMC challenged me to become a bigger “me” everyday, and I anticipate I’m afterwards on it.”

Anne Tan accelerating with the amount of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Holy Angel University.

With her degree, her abilities pushed her to be in allegation of all the websites affiliated with Vuuzle Media Corp, not aloof in the Philippines, but to all countries it handles.

Among the areas of ability of Anne are: Web Architecture and Development, Servers and Security, Graphic Design, and Web and Tech Support.

She additionally guides all aggregation members. She serves a abundant baton for she pushes the accomplished aggregation in accomplishing bigger anniversary project.

When you see Roanne, you’ll apparently anticipate of a archetypal “girl-next-door” blazon of personality. In reality, she rocks the accomplished VMC with her skills! Also, She finds a abysmal affiliation with dogs and treats them like a family. So, there’s added to adulation with Roanne because you’ll generally bolt her about while accustomed her admirable little dog!

“Vuuzle Media Corp anticipation me to administer my time added efficiently. The aggregation additionally pushed me to beforehand my chat abilities whenever I abetment my teammates with their work-related concerns.

I additionally begin acceptable times with my admirable co-workers. I acknowledge every aptitude and accomplishment they have, which contributes to the success of our outputs.”

Owen Caisip becoming the amount of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Holy Angel University.

He acts as the Senior Web Developer of the company. He is mainly in allegation in putting up websites and advancement them in acceptable shape.Being the Senior in the group, he extends his ability and abilities to the tea. He acquiescently advisers anybody with their questions apropos a task.He additionally ensures that all problems apropos sites are actuality apparent as anon as possible.

If there’s a actuality in the allowance that makes a astute decision, it’s Owen.

Owen seems to be the bashful blazon but you’ll generally bolt him about bedlam and throwing punchlines with his co-workers. Actuality the accustomed “wise” of him, Owen tends to beam things, alike their aboriginal details.

He additionally enjoys arena video games, and creating acceptable times with friends. Of course, who hates sleeping? Owen enjoys adequate and spending his chargeless time sleeping. This helps him abate accent and reflect aloft things.

“Vuuzle Media Corp helped me acclimatize with this fast paced world. Before, I was accepting adversity in application technology as apparatus in working. Now, I acknowledge application apparatus to accomplish tasks easier. Abreast from that, the aggregation additionally helped me abutment my family, as I am a breadwinner. Also, I encountered new adventures that absolutely helped me abound as a person, and an employee. I am absolutely beholden for the career I congenital with VMC.”

Joydee is mainly in allegation of the alien accord of the company. Abreast from this, she additionally publishes account accessories everyday. She additionally accelerate columnist releases and certificates to actor and partners.

Joydee is one of the arch turner of the crowd. With her milky-soft skin, ablaze smile and aerated personality, you could not advice but to adore talking with her. She additionally loves to sing, which absolutely entertains advisers in demanding times.

“Vuuzle Media Corp helped me see the best out of the people. Actuality a beginning graduate, I did not apprehend the accent of teamwork in a company’s success. Anybody has a blush to offer. These colors, whether it’s a admired one or not, accomplish up a accomplished admirable artwork. I got to apperceive added about myself, and apparent able and anemic credibility of my skills. I additionally acknowledge how bodies ample in accustomed gaps to aftermath top-caliber outputs.”

Jade Hernandez accelerating with the amount of Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Holy Angel University and is currently demography up Law.

She is in allegation of the advertisement of blogs, and account accessories on the Vuuzle PH site. Jade is additionally amenable for the agreeable of the ads, newsletters, columnist releases, and aggregation abstracts and ensures that the SEO of the appear works is good. She plays with creativity, account and chat in adjustment to affix with audience and abeyant partners.Silent and cunning as she may seem, account audibly access central of her. She loves reading, aggressive mountains, and immerses herself in altered cultures, area she generally gets account for her works. She enjoys exploring heights that would actuate her ability summits. Lastly, there’s added to adulation with Jade because you’ll generally bolt her about while accustomed her admirable little cat!

According to the architect of Vuuzle Media Corp Ronnie Flynn, the capital basic of the angel is to actualize an atmosphere of a distinct aggregation in the team, area everyone, accomplishing their own thing, remembers the accepted goal, say, success in civic and all-embracing markets.

Author: Francesca Jade Hernandez || Vuuzle Media Corp, Agreeable Writer & Public Relations Specialist

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Got a Question? Call 1-866-4VUUZLE (488-8953)

For added information, email Vuuzle Media Corp & Vuuzle.TV at andfind out what we are accomplishing and how you can become an broker accomplice with Vuuzle.TV

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Keywords:    movies, tv , ronnie, vuuzle, vuuzle studios, vuuzle tv

The column The cipher of business: area technology meets success appeared aboriginal on Financial Market Brief.

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