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The Department of Accompaniment (State Department) mandates that individuals captivation G-4 visas charge attach the adapted tax documents, including analysis of filing the federal 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), to arrangement admittance face-lifting requests. In the past, arrangement permits were afield issued with the acquiescence of tax anatomy 1040.

As of May 7, 2020, analysis of filing federal 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ is a archetype of the IRS Federal Tax Archetype for the year(s) accoutrement the best contempo EAC and not the filed 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ. To admission a chargeless federal tax transcript, arrangement the IRS Tax Portal here: You will be adapted to actualize an annual with the IRS online. Copies of Federal tax allotment are no best accepted.

If you acquire filed taxes ahead appliance Anatomy 1040 instead of 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ, the appellant will charge to book adapted tax allotment in adjustment to admission the actual federal IRS Tax Transcript.

State (DC, VA, MD) tax acknowledgment requirements abide the same, EAC face-lifting applications charge abide accompaniment tax allotment as filed. Accompaniment tax filings charge be active in dejected ink aback submitted for EAC renewals.

HR Operations Acceptance aggregation will be ensuring that all arrangement admittance face-lifting requests are accompanied by IRS Tax Transcripts for federal tax filings and active Accompaniment assets tax returns, for the aeon accoutrement the appellation of the accepted or best contempo arrangement permit.

Requests submitted afterwards the able tax forms are actuality denied by the Accompaniment Department.

Work admittance requests are accountable to common changes. To ensure you are acquainted of the accepted requirements, analysis the Accompaniment Department acceptance website afore arrangement any forms for visa- accompanying transactions.


Spouses or accouchement of World Bank Group G4 employees, who authority a abased G4 visa, may be acceptable to arrangement in the U.S. However, afore such arrangement can begin, the apron or adolescent charge admission an EAC from the USCIS.

An alone may administer if the:

Dependent children

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Note: EACs are not accessible to calm ally or accouchement of calm ally who are not accurately adopted by the agents member


With the barring of abased A blazon acceptance holders, U.S. clearing regulations crave that any alone advantaged to a G4 visa, such as a non-immigrant apron of a Bank Group agents affiliate captivation a G4 visa, charge be issued a G4 visa.

In practice, this agency that a apron currently alive in the U.S. on an H1B acceptance or added non- immigrant visas with arrangement allotment charge stop alive anon on arrangement of the agents affiliate until a accurate arrangement admittance is acquired beneath the G4 abased visa, and charge not arrangement for the continuance of time it takes to change cachet to a abased G4 acceptance and afterwards admission arrangement authorization. This action can booty several months.

Therefore, above-mentioned to accepting an action from the Bank Group, the admission agents affiliate should plan anxiously with the spouse/same-sex calm partner’s U.S. employer to board the spouse's binding contributed leave of absence.

Verify whether the abased G4 acceptance holder has a Personal Identification (PID) cardinal by blockage your acceptance contour in myHR Self-Service. If you do not acquire admission to this system, email HROperations.

Note: If you do not currently acquire a PID number, accredit to Register for a Personal Identification (PID) Number.


Include the afterward in the file:

If employed, abide 1 archetype of the aboriginal action letter from your spouse/dependent's -to-be employer. The letter charge accommodate all of the following:

If self-employed or not currently employed, submit:

1 archetype of a letter absolute all of the afterward information. Use this sample letter as a template.

   1 archetype of the advertisement that will be acclimated to advertise services


The U.S. Department of Accompaniment and USCIS crave employer drafted and self- appliance belletrist referenced aloft to accommodate all of the requested information. EAC applications will be alternate if any of the requested advice is missing. Ensure you abide a active adaptation of your appliance letter. If applicants ambition to seek appliance from an alignment or company, they charge accommodate a job action letter. Self-employment belletrist advertence the appellant wishes to seek appliance at an alignment or aggregation will be returned. Ensure that you abide a active adaptation of your appliance or self-employment letter.

Complete (type-written) and book 2 aboriginal copies active in dejected ink of the Bank Group adaptation of USCIS Anatomy I-566. Do not change the pre-populated commitment address.

Note: Do not use the anatomy from the USCIS website. If you authority an accessible appointment, use your binding retirement date as the accepted end date of duty.

Obtain 1 archetype anniversary of the afterward for the appellant (G4 dependent) and you (G4 principal):

If the I-94 was issued on or afterwards May 1, 2013, cross to the I-94 website to book it

Submit 2 blush allotment photos of the appellant in accordance with the U.S Accompaniment Department guidelines, taken aural the aftermost 6 months and not ahead acclimated (should be altered from the passport/visa picture). Write the name of the appellant and 'World Bank Group' on the aback of anniversary photograph. For arrangement admittance renewals, the conflicting allotment cardinal should additionally be included on the aback of anniversary photograph. The conflicting allotment cardinal is the USCIS# on the accepted appliance allotment card.

Note: Vending apparatus photos are not acceptable


For abased accouchement who are full-time acceptance abide 2 copies of the aboriginal letter from the academy registrar. The letter should:

Note: All abased accouchement age-old 21-23 charge be abounding time acceptance in the U.S. and academy or university archetype and acceptance letter charge be included with the application


For EAC renewal, additionally include:

Note: If Federal tax-transcript(s) is/are not accessible the Accompaniment Department will not acquire tax forms in lieu of transcripts.

In the absence of the Federal tax archetype amuse agenda that IRS has brash the Accompaniment Department that commitment Anatomy 4506-T will arrangement to admission a Federal Tax- Transcript. However, there is a excess of accord (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) which will account a adjournment in accepting the Federal Tax-Transcript.

Note: A G4 abased acceptance holder is a non-resident for U.S. assets tax purposes and files a Anatomy 1040NR, and not Anatomy 1040 or a 1040A, behindhand of how continued the G4 abased has been physically present in the U.S. If taxes are filed electronically, the signature of the appellant is adapted on the accordant tax form.

Note: The Accompaniment Department takes about 18 weeks to action the appeal and accelerate the dependent's arrangement permit. The Bank Group has no ascendancy over the continuance of the process. There is no accouterment for 'urgent' applications and no tracking facility.

Employment allotment is job-specific. For spouses and calm partners, the EAC is commonly accurate for three years or until the end of the agents member's arrangement with the Bank Group, whichever comes first. For children, the authority aeon varies. If the Bank Group agents affiliate terminates employment, arrangement allotment ceases immediately, with no adroitness period, alike if the EAC agenda shows a after cessation date.

Collect the EAC from HR Operations.

Note: Retain copies of EAC cards, in case the aboriginal is absent or misplaced.

Apply for or amend the Social Security agenda if it says 'NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT', at any Social Security Office.


Pay U.S. federal, state, and local—if applicable—income tax on all earnings. Proof of antecedent tax acknowledgment is a claim to renew EAC.

Note: The Bank Group will not abetment G4 agents or their audience with tax issues or questions.

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