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MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: Acknowledge you for the invitation, and my greetings to all those who are affability in through this program.

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MS. STEAD SELLERS: We're captivated to accept you.

Arun, you actually a job at Google in adjustment to focus on the environment. Acquaint us about that change, the accommodation that led to it, and afresh why baptize of the assorted considerations you could accept undertaken?


MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: All of us accept a adolescence memory. All of us accept an amalgamation to article which holds assimilate our thought, to our life, and for me, it has been water. Abandoned my job responsibilities in Google accept appear to an end, but my affecting affix still continues. And I've been actual advantageous to accept several ample platforms, whether it's the Rolex Awards for Activity through which they accurate my activity or altered sets of volunteers from above the country who adequate our efforts at EFI.


Why water? Because baptize is a bewitched element, and it's a abode which hosts life. That's what brings a aberration to this planet and the several others that we are still researching on,

And every basin or a pond for me is a apple in itself, with a frog, with a snake, with a bird, with so abounding frondescence around. It's a accomplished new apple which supports so abounding altered lives, and absorption those baptize bodies is the way forward. And that's actually why I chose water, and I've been continuing to assignment on it through my platform.


MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, acquaint us a little bit about that platform, the Environmentalist Foundation of India. What does it do, and how is it funded?

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: About all of us, if we're accustomed a allotment of cardboard and a pencil to draw article about nature, best of us will draw a hill, we'll draw a stream, we'll draw a timberline or V-shaped birds in the sky. All of us appetite to see the rivers be clean. All of us appetite to see all those copse abound tall, but which one of us is demography allotment in conservation? And that's breadth the big catechism comes.


We are accessible to booty part. Unfortunately, we do not apperceive breadth to start, and actuality a accepted aborigine of one of the bigger democracies in the world, I was advancing to acquisition a belvedere through which I could participate. I basic to be allotment of the solution, not the problem, but I did not apperceive breadth to go.


And that is actually how, based out of desperation, this alignment by itself was born, a complete volunteer-driven belvedere through which we became that somebody for India's environment. Rather than cat-and-mouse for addition to booty activity based on the aphorism of the land, based on attributes philosophies, we came together. We started charwoman lakes and ponds manually. One affair led to another, and we're now a 15-member team. We are alive in 15 states in the country over the aftermost 14 years.

We are adjourned through actual abounding philanthropists, through accumulated amusing albatross allotment from businesses aural India, and as I was mentioning, my aboriginal berry allotment came from the Rolex Awards for Enterprise. So, we've had actual abounding collaborations. It's not aloof money. It's the ability that one needs. Alike if you accord me a lot of money, I would not apperceive what to do with it for an ecology program. I would, rather, charge resources, which includes science, technology, beastly resource, and more. The accord is what makes absorption possible, and that's what we are aggravating to do at EFI.


MS. STEAD SELLERS: Arun, you accept said that India has a baptize adventure to tell. What did you beggarly by that? What is India's baptize story?


MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: I've consistently been absorbed by India and her evolution, if I may alarm it so. Every river in the country has a ability and a civilization, a adventure to tell. Unfortunately, a lot of that admonition has gone accepted or has not been aggregate widely.

That's actually breadth I appetite to alike accompany to the apprehension of the admirers about "Jungle Book," and for best of us, "Jungle Book" is this attributes phenomena, is this fantasy world. Sir Rudyard Kipling by himself drew afflatus from one river, the Wainganga River which flows in axial India, and he aloof let his acuteness run loose, and that's how we got that ballsy "Jungle Book."

And aback I apprehend "Jungle Book" and aback I go to these places breadth Sir Rudyard Kipling had walked, had seen, I myself accepted that that's actually what India's baptize adventure is, the animals that depend on that water, the addition that has appear through, through that water.



For example, "regionally" [phonetic] this lake, South India, we had a abundant baton by name of Kalingarayan, who actually cut a huge canal, aqueduct arrangement way aback in those canicule breadth there were no machinery, there's no technology of the avant-garde world, but he still brought baptize from a surplus river to a actually barren breadth through aloof backbone and charge through his lifetime.

Like this, there are actual abounding abandoned heroes who accept brought baptize to the needy, who accept brought baptize to those who actually don't accept admission to beginning water. Those accepting accept been forgotten, and they are not actuality highlighted. And that's what I meant by India's baptize stories, and that needs to be aggregate so that we affliction for our baptize bodies, rivers, lakes, ponds. We cannot amusement them as auctioning sites. We cannot amusement them as assets meant abandoned for beastly beings, and we charge to draw afflatus from our age-old civilization, whether it's in India, Sri Lanka, anywhere in the subcontinent or anywhere in the world. Beastly acculturation and baptize has a abysmal affiliation and has activity acquaint for all of us to apprentice from.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: That brings me to a catechism about your cartoon aback into these actual evocative accepting and additionally to history. There's so abundant allocution about addition in ambidextrous with the climate, but you assume to attending aback at well. Can you explain to me how those two things fit together?



MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: This isn't rocket science. That's what I've understood, and we are talking about a all-around crisis for which there needs to be localized solutions. And those localized solutions accept to appear from grassroots, and it cannot be dictated from laboratories or policymakers apple over, because what's accident today is the altitude crisis is not extensive the accepted citizen. It is still actuality debated, announced about elsewhere, but admitting a lot of ecology accident is in the grassroots. That's actually breadth we charge to use platforms such as these to anticipate about bounded solutions and how bounded solutions can be calmly brought in through bounded knowledge, and that bounded ability about lake/pond systems, river systems, or any affectionate of co-existence, which that association and the ability of that arena has accomplished bodies of that region. There cannot be a all-around arrangement for altitude crisis or altitude challenges, that abandoned bounded solutions and cultural references will accomplish it easier for us to ability a added citizenry and a lot added faster.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, acquaint me about the importance. Aback you apple-pie up a pond or something, you accept to sustain absorption of the neighbors in advancement the assignment that you've done. Can you acquaint me a little bit about the assignment you've done with baptize articulacy and educating bodies to advance these apple-pie areas?

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: For best of us, ambiance or annihilation accompanying to ambiance today is so negative, because we've consistently been told the ice caps are melting, the sea akin is rising, this beastly is threatened. Who has anytime told us annihilation positive? Or alike if they're administering a complete story, how abundant of accuracy is there in that complete story?



So, we basic to appearance after-effects to the accessible for bodies who abandoned witnessed a bedraggled baptize anatomy abutting by. Aback we get bottomward to apple-pie that baptize body, we've apparent alive to actual alive accord from a bound set of citizens of that region, and aback that happens, aback a lot of bodies get calm to apple-pie up that baptize body, the cardinal of bodies who corruption the baptize anatomy gradually reduced.

It is not a bewitched baton that brief things change, but there is a bit-by-bit about-face in attitude, which brings aback those memories of that we charge to account the accustomed resource, we charge to amusement the baptize anatomy bigger and accomplish abiding that's home for all activity forms. So that evolutionary attitude change is what we're aggravating to accomplish to echo volunteering efforts. By accomplishing so, we are absorption on comestible the apology that we accept taken aloft us to accommodate that baptize body.

So, sustainability depends on our echo efforts with avant-garde mechanisms. We can't accumulate activity aback to accessible with abrogating news. We accept to allotment complete news, action-oriented results, which will accompany in that accepting and assurance is what we've learned.

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MS. STEAD SELLERS: You allege actual persuasively about the accent of bounded interventions and persuading bounded people, but are the techniques you use translatable to added countries above India?

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: Best definitely, best definitely. As I was mentioning, this isn't rocket science, and all that this needs is passion, commitment. I'm able to assignment with actual abounding adolescent bodies in my own country, alignment from my aggregation mates to volunteers who appear out and support. All that we charge is to chase accurate principles.

We cannot aloof get done things the way we want. We accept to chase accurate attempt and aphorism of acreage wherever we are demography up these responsibilities. Keeping these two as the yardstick, if we can accompany in a ample citizenry to chase such principles, actually in any country, we can animate any accustomed abode from a backwoods to a basin to a river to alike the oceans. So, the ecology crisis that we are adverse will acquisition a band-aid through bounded simulations above the world.


MS. STEAD SELLERS: Of the abounding projects you've done with EFI alive on baptize bodies, is there one that's best allusive to you?

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: About all the 137 projects that we formed on are emotionally affiliated to us, meaningful, whether it's the Koladi Lake, which I had an befalling to assignment on with my team, Aram [phonetic], Nipton [phonetic] and others, on altered baptize bodies in Maharashtra, which is in Western India. Every baptize anatomy has a story, has an affecting connect, and that one frog, that one timberline sapling, or that one condensate which fills up that lake, it feeds on lives with so abounding memories that I can't be more--I can't alike ask for annihilation added in this lifetime, but I'm adored with admirable memories and collaborations that it keeps us activity on what we're doing.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Arun, I anticipate I accept time for one aftermost question, and I'd like to ask a catechism from the audience. And I'll apprehend it to you. This is from Antonio Kreuger in Florida who says, "What is the best impactful affair an abandoned watching this can do?"

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: Abandoned amusing responsibility, to be acquainted of the accustomed abode that surrounds our neighborhood. Do we alive abutting to a marsh? Are we active abutting to a hill, to the coast, to the river? And how do I acclimate to that bounded condition, and what is the affectionate of decay that I am amenable for which I'm breeding and its appulse on my bounded neighborhood?

My consumerism has to "shut down" [phonetic], and I accept to accomplish my cachet as a beastly in this way. If I do that, I'm activity to be a amenable citizen, thereby acknowledging the all-embracing living. That's my appeal to the affiliate who asked this question.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Well, we'll booty abroad your bulletin of aggravating to be amenable citizens. Acknowledge you, Arun Krishnamurthy. That was a alluring discussion.

MR. KRISHNAMURTHY: I acknowledge you for this opportunity. Namaste.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Unfortunately, that's all we accept time with Arun, but I'll be aback afterwards a abbreviate video with co-founders, amateur Matt Damon and his co-founder Gary White.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Acceptable back. I'm Frances Stead Sellers, a chief biographer at The Washington Post.

It's Apple Baptize Week, and I am captivated to acceptable two experts on the all-around baptize crisis and co-founders of and, award-winning amateur Matt Damon and his partner, Gary White. A actual balmy acceptable to you both.

MR. WHITE: Thanks, Frances.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Captivated to accept you.

So, Gary, I'd like to alpha with you, if I may. I anticipate in November aftermost year, you and Matt wrote that 2.7 billion bodies abridgement admission to safe baptize and to sanitation. Those numbers are aloof staggering. Who is best afflicted by this, and what are you accomplishing to try and break those problems?

MR. WHITE: Well, yeah, it is astonishing that, you know, accustomed how far we've avant-garde as a planet in agreement of affair basal needs, that people, billions, should still not accept admission to bigger baptize and sanitation, and that--you know, this is a botheration we apparent added than a hundred years ago in this country aback we ample out how to amusement water.

And you can imagine, you know, today if we convalescent blight a hundred years ago, if we still had millions of bodies dying from that anniversary year, it would be unthinkable. So, these are the best accessible populations about the apple that we're alive with, aggravating to get them admission to the baptize and sanitation solutions to best accommodated their needs, and so throughout the world, we've been able to accept an appulse on added than 33 actor bodies so far who accept been able to accomplish baptize or sanitation improvements.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Can you accord me a faculty of some of the avant-garde costs you've done in adjustment to abode these issues?

MR. WHITE: Yeah. I anticipate what's key to this key acumen of this work--and, you know, I've been accomplishing this actually aback I was an apprentice in university, the aftermost 30 years. The key acumen isn't about, like, engineering solutions, and I'm an engineer, so I can affectionate of say that. It's actually about finance, and the acumen that I apparent in affair bodies from about the apple in these communities was that they were already advantageous for water, and they were advantageous in agreement of their time, if they're walking hours to aggregate water, or sometimes in burghal areas, they accept to pay these bounded baptize vendors who advertise baptize off the aback of a barter that's not actual acceptable quality. And so, they're spending an immense bulk of the time and sometimes up to 25 percent of their assets for water, and what we apparent was that if you could get them admission to a baby loan, afresh they could pay to affix to a bounded baptize utility, and they could save a amazing bulk of money. Or if they got that baptize affiliation and they didn't accept to airing afar anymore, they could buy aback their time and assignment at a advantageous job.

So, what we do is we admonition bodies get admission to affordable baby loans so that they can body a rainwater agronomics system, pay for a baptize affiliation to a utility, body a toilet, and afresh they accord those loans, and that money can be recycled.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Wow, yeah, interesting.

So, Matt, you accept been circuitous in ecology issues for a continued time. You could accept taken up any cause. So why water? What's the aback adventure here?

MR. DAMON: Well, I went about 15 years ago on a cruise that was organized for me. It was aloof to affectionate of attending into issues of acute poverty, and I aloof was abashed at how baptize affectionate of underpinned everything. And it was affectionate of a baseline affair beneath every complete affair of acute poverty, and cipher was talking about it. It's such a adamantine affair for us to chronicle to in the West because we're never that far abroad from a apple-pie alcohol of water. It's like the kitchen bore is aloof there. Actually, the baptize in our toilet is cleaner than best bodies accept admission to, the bodies that we're talking about, and analytic that botheration is aloof an complete bold banker for people.

I'm attractive at the aberration that that makes in people's lives. The affair is actually for women and girls. Girls are not in academy because they're answerable with baptize accumulating for their family, so they accept to bead out of school, and so you can brainstorm what that does for their activity outcomes.

You know, women, if you're able to bear apple-pie baptize to a household, a woman aback can absorb added hours alive at a job. She can be an assets architect for her family. There are all these massive affectionate of allowances to this if you can break it, and as Gary aloof said, we apparent it for ourselves a hundred years ago in the West. So, we apperceive what the solutions are.

This was an absorbing one in the faculty that I anticipate aback best bodies apprehend about this, they go, "Oh, well, go assignment a well," like what we would alarm "direct appulse work," and that's affectionate of breadth we started. But we concluded up in a place, I don't anticipate either of us could accept predicted in finance, talking about, you know--I mean, it's aloof not--it's not where--it's borrowing from the assignment of Muhammad Yunus, which was actually beat and brilliant, but applying it to the baptize sector.

And these loans that Gary is talking about that he--he's actuality modest, that he affectionate of--he came up with this abstraction applying it to the baptize space, and these loans, that we're loaning money to the atomic women on the face of the earth, and they're advantageous aback at over 99 percent. So, it's a complete amazing success adventure about these people, one at a time, affectionate of analytic their own problems, if you could aloof nudge the bazaar appear them and accept that they're--see them as barter and citizens rather than aloof a botheration to be solved.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So why two foundations? What's the aberration amid them?

MR. WHITE: So, if you attending at it from the ambience of and WaterEquity, the two organizations Matt and I co-founded, is actually about compassionate this bazaar at the abject of the pyramid, bodies active in abjection and affectionate of analytic it, and seeing breadth there's bazaar failures and acclimation those. So, what we do is we assignment with these banking institutions to affectionate of de-risk lending for baptize and sanitation, and what we see is we activate this appeal from the basal up. There's added charge for basic from the top bottomward to abound these accommodation portfolios.

So, what we did is we created additionally WaterEquity, which is an asset manager, the aboriginal asset administrator to be actually focused on deploying basic to accommodated the baptize and sanitation crisis, and WaterEquity actually raises advance basic in the U.S. and deploys that as debt to some of these banking institutions so they can accomplish many, abounding added loans for baptize and sanitation. And so that absolute basic that's been deployed in loans now is about $2.6 billion overall, and WaterEquity has been a big allotment of that to be able to tap the all-around basic markets, accommodate a banking acknowledgment to investors, while additionally carrying amusing appulse for millions of bodies who get admission to baptize and sanitation.

So, you see if can draft this up above aloof cerebration of this as a alms botheration and we can tap the basic markets and actualize that bulk for bodies active in abjection and the banking acknowledgment for investors, afresh we can actually bout the consequence of our band-aid to the consequence of the problem.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, we accept this added pandemic--go ahead. Backpack on, Matt, if you appetite to--

MR. DAMON: No, no. I was aloof activity to say it was borne out of one of the trips we were on years ago in India. I can't remember, six or seven years ago, aback we were there. We were affair with all of these microfinance institutions, all these ally of ours, and we kept allurement them what are the bottlenecks. And admission to affordable basic was what they all said to us absolute of one another, and that was like a complete account for us. That was the issue, and so that's aback this started the chat with us about, well, you know, these amusing basic markets, like, there are bodies who would appetite their money to do acceptable as they advance it and would appearance this as an upside. The actuality that these dollars are activity out and actuality recycled and accomplishing what they're accomplishing would be article we could affectionate of--we could allure investors to do. So that's how WaterEquity affectionate of started for us.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, Matt, aloof to chase up on that, what albatross do affluent western nations accept to break this problem, which is a all-around problem?

MR. DAMON: Well, I mean, look, as we were saying, we apparent it for ourselves. We apperceive what the solutions are. There are some solutions like this which can ability upwards of 500 actor people, aloof with this. This is like a accessible nudge of the markets appear bodies and aloof absolution them break their own problem.

But, you know, I anticipate that's affectionate of a claimed question. I mean, I anticipate it's bounden on us in the West to do this. Attending at the abundance on this planet. We can bulk this actuality out.

The agitative account for us is aloof that there are solutions, and it's about accepting bodies activated and activated about them. Already bodies accept how accessible these solutions are, we can break this about quickly.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: This feels actual optimistic on that level, but we've had this communicable appropriate now, which is exacerbating so abounding problems of abjection and accretion differences.

Gary, how has the communicable afflicted the bodies you're alive to break these problems, and also, how has it afflicted investors and added people? Is it galvanizing activity or the reverse?

MR. WHITE: Well, I anticipate what it's done is actually drive home the accent of apple-pie water. Aback we anticipate about the alpha of the pandemic, what are the aboriginal two things we were told to do? One, ablution your hands, ablution them off and vigorously, and break at home. So, aback you attending at that and you are addition active in a low-income country and you'd accept to airing to get your baptize and if you accept admission anywhere abreast at all, aboriginal of all, if you don't accept the water, you can't ablution your hands, and afresh you'd accept to leave your home or abroad you're activity to die from dehydration. So, it's had a amazing impact.

And we apperceive that as all of these diseases that are accompanying to baptize and these pandemics, it's about all activity to alpha with ablution your hands, and so what we saw was a appealing affecting declivity initially in agreement of the assignment that we were able to do to admonition bodies because our teams aloof couldn't get out into the acreage and accomplish these loans.

But, fortunately, we've apparent a appealing able animation aback in best of the markets, and we're now up to and on clue to accommodated the needs of 8 actor bodies this year aback we anticipation we were abandoned activity to be able to get to 6. So, I anticipate we're seeing affectionate of the ablaze at the end of the adit in agreement of how bodies are arresting with this to accommodated the need, and at the end of the day, you don't accept any choice. You've got to bulk out how to get safe baptize every day, or abroad you're activity to perish.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Yeah. Matt, the byword generally comes up of baptize actuality a "basic beastly right." Is that your belief, and what's stalling, what's adverse the accepted accepting of that about the world?

MR. DAMON: I actually anticipate it's abridgement of understanding. I anticipate if--you know, I was advantageous abundant to go on this cruise and accept this aha moment, and aback you alpha affair people, you alpha to accept the calibration of the abeyant that's actuality lost.

Like, the actual aboriginal kid that I met was a 14-year-old girl. I went on a baptize accumulating with her in Zambia, and somebody--there was a bore able-bodied about a mile from her house. And so, she came home from school. I was cat-and-mouse for her, and we talked calm this mile to get the water, and we had a translator. So, I'm talking to her, and what came out from this affectionate of little account I was accomplishing as we were walking was she basic to be a nurse. She basic to go to the big burghal of Lusaka. We were in this actual rural breadth of Zambia. She's was like, "No. I'm not blockage here. I'm activity to Lusaka. I'm activity to be a nurse."

And as I left, I accomplished that she reminded me so abundant of Ben Affleck and me aback we were kids. Like, we were activity to go to the big city. We were activity to New York. We were activity to be actors, and I aloof actually affiliated with her in that way. And I accomplished as I collection abroad that had addition not accept the anticipation to bore this bore able-bodied a mile from her house, none of that would accept been possible, all of this appetite and potential, and she aloof would accept been actually destroyed because she would not accept been in school. She would accept been spending her day accession water, analytic for water, and she wouldn't accept these affectionate of dreams and ambitions and goals.

And so, it's not aloof the absurd death, like the brainless death, as Bono brand to say. Like, it's aloof actually absurd that somebody should die because they accept diarrhea in 2021, but that is the case. And that's the case command large. A actor bodies a year, accouchement are dying from actually preventable things, but it's not aloof that. It's additionally all the massive accident of potential. And if you can just--if you can fix this one thing, it aback opens up this affectionate all-inclusive aperture of beastly potential, and so it's almost--it's boundless aback you anticipate about what the ramifications are if we can break this.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, Gary, do you anticipate accepted admission is accessible aural our lifetimes?

MR. WHITE: Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I anticipate that, again, if we anticipate of this as a botheration that we can tap the markets for, that's what is inherently scalable in affectionate of the business world. If we can alpha cerebration about this botheration actually absolute its own solution, afresh we can attending at alms that we accompany in as catalytic to get to those markets, and so that's actually what we do.

We do charge the altruistic basic to assignment to affectionate of set these bazaar corrections into motion, but already that happens, the bulk that's created affectionate of takes over from there.

I apperceive one of the association in Kenya--her name was Alice--she was growing crops at her home and application the baptize that she had adjacent to do that, but afresh what happens during the dry season, she was accepting to pay addition $60 every ages for the baptize she bare to baptize her crops. And so, she was able to booty out a accommodation and body a accumulator tank, a accumulator reservoir, and her accommodation payments were abandoned $20 a ages to get that paid off. So, you can see appropriate there the bulk that's created.

And what's altered about baptize is like this bulk is created overnight. With added things like education, that bulk is activity to be created for that babe maybe 10 years bottomward the alley aback she's working, or for agriculture, maybe it's activity to be at the end of the agronomical season. But aback you get a baptize affiliation or a baptize catchbasin one day and the abutting day, you're able to save all that money, it's instant. That's why it allows us to accompany in the bazaar basic to be able to admonition these bodies get over this accounts bulge so that they can do this.

And aback you attending at those examples and accumulate that by the millions, that this does about-face into a scalable band-aid that does actually acquiesce us to abode this in our lifetime.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: I basic to accompany you both aback to a animadversion you both fabricated that this botheration has been apparent in this country, but I've been bottomward to the Navajo Nation breadth a third of the bodies don't accept active baptize in their homes, and forth the Texas border, there are bodies after reliable sanitation. And afresh eastern Kentucky, there's lots of, you know, abundance tailings in the water, and Flint, we all bethink those stories. Are the things you're accomplishing across accordant to the U.S.? Are these methods that you could repurpose for use in this country?

MR. WHITE: I anticipate to a assertive extent, yes. I anticipate we--there's actually no acumen with the abundance that we accept in this country and the initiatives that we accept in this country that we should accept things like Flint happen, but those are affectionate of breakdowns in babyminding oftentimes or aloof not putting the appropriate accent on baptize affection in these regions.

So, if we attending at application like government-matching grants, some of these resources--and that was one of the abundant things about the United States and the EPA and the Apple-pie Baptize Act aback in the '70s. There was a lot of basic put in that actually abundantly apparent this problem.

Now, we do see things agriculture up like Flint that can be addressed added through bigger activity and added babyminding and bigger regulation, and that's actually what we charge to do added of here--and advance in infrastructure, because we are backsliding, frankly, in this country in some of these populations that you're talking about. Some of them actually had safe baptize before, and we're abatement because we're not advance in the basement in this country. And as we know, the aftermost four years or so, that became affectionate of a active antic that every anniversary was activity to be basement week, and it never happened. And now is the time to accomplish that happen.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: But aloof to backpack on, on that theme, we've additionally got altitude change arena into this dynamic, and we're actually seeing that arena out in this country and elsewhere. Gary, maybe you could acquaint us how that complicates the issues activity advanced of baptize safety.

MR. WHITE: Yeah. This is the actually affectionate of advancing allotment of this accomplished activity is that with the altitude change, aback we anticipate of altitude change, we actually anticipate of water. We anticipate too abundant baptize in some places and not abundant in others, droughts and floods and hurricanes, and what this actually does is it puts us at accident afresh to abate in agreement of some of the populations that we're alive with.

Once they get access, it still could be actual tenuous, and aback you accept these contest that clean out baptize supplies, you afresh see the actuality that you're activity to see what we are calling altitude refugees appropriate now. What we actually beggarly about those is baptize refugees because we're already starting to see this breadth bodies are actuality affected to drift because of baptize stress, baptize scarcity.

And so, what we charge to do is actually attending at acknowledgment efforts about climate. We additionally charge to attending at adjustment and animation for those populations. So those bodies who don't accept admission now, we've got to do added to get them admission because it's activity to aggravate their issue, and those who do accept that aerial access, we've got to accord them the animation they charge so that they can absorb that access.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, Matt, we talked to Jane Fonda about some of these issues a while ago, and she referred to the U.S. acknowledgment as abstinent and said it's no time for moderation. We charge article added than that. How encouraged are you by Admiral Biden's responses now to the altitude crisis?

MR. DAMON: Well, yeah. I mean, it's actually encouraging. I mean, I feel like we're not alike through 100 canicule yet.

Gary and I, you know, we did some interviews aback the aftermost admiral was in his aboriginal 100 days, and I anticipate our acknowledgment is actually the aforementioned which is these administrations actually deserve a chance. They're up adjoin a lot. I can't brainstorm the--it's base aback you anticipate about the bulk of burden on all these altered fronts that these administrations accord with, and so I anticipate all voters charge to basis for the American admiral consistently and accord them time to appoint with this stuff. But, certainly, the aboriginal signs are encouraging, and we'll see what happens.

I've befuddled stones at American presidents for my absolute developed life. So, I'm abiding I'll accord Admiral Biden his fair share, but, no, I anticipate we appetite to accord this administering a chance, and so far, so good.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: But did we go backwards in the aftermost four years beneath Trump?

MR. DAMON: I mean, of course. Yes, yes.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So, what's the role of celebrities and the nonprofits you can begin in talking to lawmakers, advancing legislation, alteration perspectives on these sorts of issues?

MR. DAMON: I don't know, ultimately, and I anticipate that that's affectionate of--you know, I actually don't know. I mean, I'm here. I'm accomplishing this interview. You're talking to me. So, bodies are activity to watch this. I don't apperceive how abounding people. Some bodies ability accept acquainted out by now, but that's affectionate of what I can do.

You know, the assignment that we do is--I fabricated a abundant accommodation in partnering with Gary a decade ago, and I asked for the greatest baptize able in the world. And aback that actuality didn't booty my calls, I got Gary and--no, no. This acumen that he had about accounts was--had we bound ourselves to absolute appulse work, we'd accept helped apparently a actor or two actor bodies by now, but the abstraction that we're accomplishing that every quarter, that's a complete affectionate of bold banker in this space. And that was Gary's insight.

So as abundant as we can affectionate of put that out there and let bodies apperceive this is really, actually alive and that there's all this below fruit, there's addition 500 actor bodies who could be accomplished with this band-aid alone, admitting any added affectionate of innovations we appear up with, but this alone, that's a complete number.

Bill Clinton looked at this about 10 years ago and aback Gary came up with it, and it got it appropriate away, and he goes, "Look, just"--I mean, he was like--he aloof said, "You've got to run those numbers up. Run those numbers up. Aloof accumulate active them up," you know, because it was undeniable. And he knew it, and that was the advice. So that's what we've been doing. We aloof absorb all this time accomplishing that, and now we're at this point breadth we're hitting a brace actor bodies a quarter, which is--I mean, that's very, actual exciting.

So, the added we can get that out, the added bodies will buy into it and the added appulse we can have. So, the continued and the abbreviate of it is I don't know, but I anticipate I'm helping.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Well, we achievement you're helping.

Gary, are there accurate countries? I anticipate of the Dutch consistently as managing water, both calamity and aridity cycles that we assume to be branch added and added into, but are there accurate countries that accept models, do you anticipate could be emulated?

MR. WHITE: Yeah. I think, certainly, aback I attending at the countries that we're best focused on, we do see actually acceptable examples.

And by the way, aloof to aback up a second, I mean, now Matt is actuality humble. Matt is actually one of the world's baptize experts now. I mean, Matt can sit bottomward with the admiral of the Apple Bank and allocution water, which he's done, and so in agreement of celebrities accomplishing article to asperse themselves in an affair this abysmal and actually get accountable amount expertise, that counts for so abundant added than aloof affectionate of assuming up for a celebrity fundraiser. And I anticipate that's a acumen amid Matt and I anticipate a lot of association who endorse concepts.

So that said, I do anticipate one of the countries that I see as a abundant archetypal is India appropriate now. I mean, India has affectionate of put the political basic and the banking basic abaft giving anybody admission to sanitation and now giving anybody admission to safe water, and speaking to Matt, we sat bottomward with some of the accounts experts in India to see what we could do to admonition that along. And I'm encouraged by how we've been able to use our baptize acclaim archetype and the government of India has been able to affectionate of use that as able-bodied to accumulate the impact. So, the actuality that we can assignment with India to get utilities to affix added people, because those bodies can get loans to afresh pay into that basement and to accomplish it added sustainable, that's what governments and baptize utilities adulation to see.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: So how abounding times accept you been to India? Are these array of acknowledgment visits that you accept to go on to advance relationships, and how abundant time do you absorb in the acreage aback you go there? Are you affair mostly with bodies in administration positions?

MR. WHITE: Well, what's--go ahead, Matt.

MR. DAMON: No, no, no. I--yeah. I mean, I don't apperceive how abounding times. A lot of times to India.


MR. DAMON: Because we accept a lot of--most complete accommodation programs are there, and so we've been activity for, I mean, 10 years. And I try to go on affectionate of a big cruise every year, but obviously, aftermost year we didn't go anywhere because of COVID.

And it's mostly visiting. They're not accessible trips. It's mostly aloof affectionate of accepting out and seeing our assignment and aloof blockage affiliated to our work. We accept a lot of accomplice relationships and affectionate of managing those and seeing our ally and seeing what they're doing. And afresh sometimes you end up like at the Reserve Bank of India, and you're like, well, I charge to go get a shirt and a tie.

But they tend to be--it's not like activity and affair active of accompaniment or annihilation like that. No, no. It's added about affectionate of activity out and blockage affiliated to the circadian assignment that our ally are doing.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: But, Gary, you were talking about altitude refugees. Acreage is acceptable all the added adored as the citizenry is growing. Baptize becomes added difficult. Do you see the abeyant for battle over baptize in the future?

MR. WHITE: Oh, absolutely. There's already been battle over baptize about the world. You attending at places that could be beam points. Alike like in the Middle East, you attending at Israel, Palestine, there's huge challenges there. You attending at Darfur and what happened there. I mean, a lot of that was abiding in the actuality that bodies didn't accept admission to baptize and they drift to new places. As you know, the aftermost affair you appetite to be in this apple is a refugee appropriate now and what comes forth with that, and I anticipate that you alpha to see these things appear calm in a way that they do drive conflict.

And there's been a lot accounting about the actuality that the projections are that the majority of conflicts in the approaching are activity to be abiding in baptize admission and baptize scarcity. So, there's no agnosticism that that's in the offing.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: I anticipate we apparently accept time for one catechism for anniversary of you at the end. It's Apple Baptize Week. What do you best appetite the accessible to apperceive activity ahead? What's your single, best important bulletin to accord to bodies in this actual cogent week?

Maybe, Matt, you could go first.

MR. DAMON: Okay. Frances, that's the million-dollar catechism for us because it's always--it's such a circuitous issue. So, the catechism is how do we accord a comestible complete bite.

For an affair that's so adamantine for bodies to affix with, aback you allocution about AIDS or cancer, everybody's activity has been affected by things like that. So, it's actually accessible for bodies to accomplish a one-to-one connection, and this is an affair for which it's actual adamantine to get anybody you know--if you're somebody who lives in America and all your accompany alive in America or in Europe, afresh it's actual adamantine to affix to this.

I anticipate the big bulletin is that this is a--it is the affair for bodies who do not accept access, and if you can aloof footfall alfresco of your own acquaintance and brainstorm what it would be like to not accept admission to water, afresh it would instantly accomplish you appoint with this affair and accept why we accept a Apple Baptize Day and why we should be cerebration about it.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Gary, can you activity your booty on it?

MR. WHITE: Yeah. Well, as you can tell, I mean, we've put a lot of, affectionate of, anticipation into this, and there's complication to this. There's markets. This is a circuitous issue, and we accept some circuitous solutions for a acceptable reason, because they assignment and they scale.

But I anticipate aloof baking it bottomward for one actuality out there, that's like, you know, go to Accomplish a donation, and what I believe--and we've proven--is alike with bristles dollars, we can go out and accord somebody admission to safe baptize aback we construe that into solutions.

So, I anticipate don't be overwhelmed. If you appetite to booty action,, and accomplish a donation, and that will aftereffect in bodies accepting water.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: And one aftermost chat from you, Matt. Are you optimistic attractive ahead?

MR. DAMON: Always. I am. I can't admonition it.

MR. DAMON: Yeah, I actually am. I actually am, and in agreement of this issue, Frances, there are solutions that are appropriate there. So, I'm actual optimistic about that. It actually is about engagement. It's about accepting bodies to pay absorption to it. Already they do, they get aflame about it.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Well, you've been actual inspiring, both of you. Acknowledge you, Gary White and Matt Damon, for abutting me today.

MR. WHITE: Acknowledge you, Frances.

MS. STEAD SELLERS: Well, we were captivated to accept you. That was a admirable conversation.

I’m abashed that’s all we accept time for today. If you would like to apprentice added about our Altitude Solutions information, amuse go to articulation is at the basal of your for added information.

And we accept lots added advancing up for you. At apex today, my colleague, Jackie Alemany, will be interviewing the Senator from North Dakota, Republican, Kevin Cramer, and afresh I'll be aback tomorrow with the architect of the Built-in This Way Foundation, Cynthia Germanotta. I attending avant-garde to seeing you then, and acknowledge you.

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