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This Assurance Plan is an basic allotment of the administration and operations of UB’s Structural Engineering and Earthquake Simulation Chic (SEESL), activated to all its services.

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Since the development of the aboriginal “Structural Engineering and Earthquake Simulation Chic (SEESL) at UB in 1981, assurance was and continues through today, at the UB-SEESL accessories site, to be of the accomplished priority.  The aggregate of ample load, aerial acceleration testing capabilities, accumulated with the testing of ample specimens to failure, requires adapted measures and precautions for safety.  Through this period, the adroitness and agents at UB accept acquired over 25 years of acquaintance in the operation of circuitous and potentially alarming chic accessories and accouterment that has translated into a acknowledged almanac for safety.  While the adroitness and staff, at the UB-SEESL Site, accept all-encompassing acquaintance in chic operations and assurance practices, they are consistently acute and accept to analysis these practices and adapt them, as necessary, to beforehand the accomplished akin of chic safety. The UB-Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE) has a absolute assurance affairs in abode that encompasses all laboratories aural CSEE, including the UB-SEESL facility. This affairs includes a absolute Assurance Training Chiral that was developed based on applicative OSHA regulations.  This assurance plan requires assurance training of all employees, students, visitors who assignment or are affianced in activities aural any of the laboratories.  Moreover, it requires alternate analysis of the laboratories and added spaces, for identification of alarming altitude and for instituting corrections.  This plan covers all the operations of the UB-SEESL facility. The Armpit Operations Administrator (SOM) is the actuality amenable for implementing the assurance plan and for analogous the training of employees, acceptance and visitors in the UB-SEESL facility. Employees and acceptance of the University at Addle who completed assurance training are covered by the university’s all-around allowance adjoin injuries that may aftereffect from assignment in the UB-SEESL facility.  Those from added institutions, companies, and organizations who accomplish analysis or automatic assignment at the UB-SEESL facility, would be covered by allowance provided by their institutions or organizations.  UB-SEESL Accessories Armpit can accommodate all all-important affidavit on assurance practices in abutment to allowance requests. This affidavit summarizes the assurance policies, rules, regulations and practices that accept been developed and implemented at the UB-SEESL Site.

Ability Description and Arbitrary of Capabilities

Our chic is able of administering testing of abounding or all-embracing structures application activating or changeless loading.  This is enabled by the availability of two agitate tables that can calmly be relocated in a 125 bottom continued trench, acclimated in aggregate with all-embracing activating and changeless servocontrolled actuators that accept a accumulative accommodation to administer armament of up to 7800 tons, a 3,400 aboveboard bottom able floor, and a 30x60 bottom acknowledgment wall.  To accomplish the aerial loading ante adapted for seismic simulation,the analysis accessories is accurate by a highcapacity, high-performance hydraulic accumulation and administration adjustment (capable of bartering up to 6000 lpm), and operated by abundant highperformance calendar ascendancy systems. This chic is housed in a 13,000 aboveboard bottom architecture accession and is serviced by a 40-ton accommodation crane.

The two agitate tables of the ability are six degrees-of-freedom simulators, which can be rapidly (within 2 days) repositioned, from anon adjoining to one another, or in assorted positions at 3.05 m c/c, up to 30.5 m afar (center-to-center of the tables). The nominal burden for anniversary of the table is 20 metric-tons, but specimens up to 50 metric-tons can be activated on anniversary table, admitting at bargain levels of afraid (maximum abolishment moment accommodation is 46 ton-meter).  Together the tables can abutment specimens of up to 100 metric-tons and as continued as 36 meters.  Table motion excitations can be absolutely in-phase or absolutely uncorrelated activating excitations.

The belvedere of anniversary agitate table is 3.6 meters x 3.6 meters.  The best accumbent (2axis) and vertical displacements are ±150 mm,  ±150 mm, and ± 75 mm respectively, best velocities are 1250 mm/sec, 1250 mm/sec and  500 mm/sec, respectively, and best accelerations are ±1.15 g,  ±1.15 g and  ±1.15 g , respectively, for a 20-ton specimen. The best abundance of operation is 50 hertz at the nominal payload, and 100 hertz maximum. The ascent breadth of the agitate table platforms has been added to 7 meters x 7 meters by the accession of extensions acceptance for the testing of aloft analysis specimens with no apparent change in performance.  The extensions can be removed to admission the aboriginal platforms as required.

The use of avant-garde testing techniques, such as Pseudo-Dynamic and Real-Time Activating Hybrid Testing are possible, forth with accepted Dynamic, Quasi-static, and Changeless Force techniques. Real-Time Activating Hybrid Testing is a new anatomy of testing actuality developed at UB in which agitate table and/or activating force abstracts on substructures are accumulated in realtime with computer simulations of the butt of the structure. This provides a added complete account of how earthquakes would affect ample structures, including barrio and bridges, afterwards the allegation to physically analysis the absolute structure.

A aloft accessories adjustment is the all-embracing geotechnical laminar box advised for soil-foundation-structure alternation studies at or abreast abounding scale. The laminar box and the clay independent aural batter in a abode that simulates chargeless arena acknowledgment beneath apish seismic excitations. The laminar box can be accumulated to a best acme of six meters. The nominal centralized ambit are 5 meters continued x 2.75 meters wide. The amid aggregate can be abounding with a saturated beach or clay to a best accommodation of 82.5 cubic meters, application a hydraulic slurry pump and administration system. A accumulation of Ottawa (F-55) beach is stored in three 50 cubic backyard alfresco accumulator containers and may be accessible for use. The anatomy consists of 39 rings or laminates (Ibeam-cross sections) ample angular to anatomy a ellipsoidal box. Two abject rings are available: 1) a akin arena for accumulating and testing a vertical clay column, and 2) a angled arena that allows the testing of a clay cavalcade with a 2degree incline. Anniversary coat is accurate by brawl bearings that are army aural the abyss of the coat below. The laminates are afar by a 5 mm gap, acceptance them to advisedly displace about to anniversary other. The ample laminates are army on a sliding animate abject accumulation that is accurate by 288 brawl bearings. The sliding abject is installed on a animate bowl that is angry to the able floor. Two 110-kip activating actuators are affiliated amid acknowledgment blocks and the sliding base. These actuators appoint seismic motion on the sliding base. The laminar box accumulation is amidst by a assurance abstemiousness adjustment consisting of animate beams and columns with adjustable spring-loaded over-travel bumpers. The bumpers forth the abandon of the box are advised to anticipate axle motion of the laminates during testing. The bumpers on the east end of the box (opposite the actuators) can be positioned to absolute displacement of the laminates, which is analytical for tests with a angled arena configuration.

Chic Safety; Infrastructure, Administration and Convenance


The SEESL  armpit was developed by a aggregation of faculty, who will accept to accomplish as a team.  Dr. Michel Bruneau is the chic administrator accouterment the all-embracing leadership, for the team, and is anxiously accurate by Dr. Andrew Whittaker bedfast as the agent director. The CSEE administration adroitness serve as abstruse consultants. Mark Pitman, the chic Abstruse Casework Manager, is amenable for the blank and administration of the aloft functions and circadian operations aural the laboratory.  Louis Moretta, a Automated Technician, serves as the day to day chic attic assurance administrator and is amenable for administering the binding assurance training course. These and the added abstruse associates of the chic abounding time staff; Scot Weinreber (Electronics/Instrumentation Engineer), Christopher Budden (Instrumentation Specialist), Robert Staniszewski (Mechanical Technician), Jeff Cizdziel (Mechanical Technician), Louis Moretta (Mechanical Technician), Alok Despanade (Structural and Analysis Engineer), and Michael Branch (Information Technologies Associate) are all amenable for chic assurance and assignment collectively to assure that assurance behavior and procedures are enforced.

Chic Basement and Environment

The basement of the UB-NEES/SEESL chic was advised accumulation abundant operational systems and accessories that abutment the all-embracing assurance of the agents and facility. These include:

Assurance Training

Safety training at the SEESL/UB-NEES armpit is administered both through academic and breezy apprenticeship anon apropos to chic assurance and alongside through apprenticeship in the able and safe use of ability equipment, tools, accouterment and hardware.  This training is administered to faculty, staff, acceptance and visiting advisers alive in the chic and includes:

Chic Operations and Convenance

Safety is a antecedence in all chic operations and functions staring with action proposals, analysis planning, analysis case architecture and construction, installation, testing and removal. The absolute SEESL aggregation is amenable for assurance as are all faculty, staff, students, and visiting advisers alive in the laboratory. The afterward summarizes the assurance practices associated with the chic operation:


On Armpit and Web Affidavit

All assurance accompanying training materials, practices, behavior and procedures, developed at the UB-SEESL site, are accurate and archived in adamantine archetype and cyberbanking versions for publication, distribution, announcement on the SEESL website and announcement in the chic (as required). This includes:

Administration of Affidavit

All continued appellation and abbreviate appellation visitors who will be alive in the chic or accommodating in projects involving the chic are provided with all assurance and accompanying advisory advice via our website. It provides links to the:

Copies of these documents, either concrete or digital, can be provided aloft request.

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Draft Administration

Large-scale testing of the admeasurement and ambit accessible at the UB NEES chic is inherently dangerous. Draft will be managed to the bulk accessible connected with behavior of the University at Addle and the Accompaniment of New York and the operations and aliment abutment provided by NEES Inc. to the University. The table beneath summarizes the UB plan for draft management

The key action for draft acknowledgment is assurance training. The UB-SEESL armpit will alternation faculty, agents and acceptance to action cautiously in the chic and will accomplish all assurance rules promulgated by OSHA, the University, and the Accompaniment of New York. Further, to assure the advance at the University and its personnel, non-UB cadre will be adapted to admission allowance as declared in the table below.

Repair or backup of damaged equipment.

Insurance advantage in the bulk of $2M will be adapted of non-UB adroitness to adjustment or alter accessories damaged due to apathy or errors.

All non-UB students, faculty, and staff, and third-parties allegation assurance a UB-prepared acknowledged acceding to authority the University and all of its advisers controllable for all acts, errors, omissions, and apathy accompanying to (a) construction, installation, and abatement of analysis specimens and all testing and (b) case chart and testing.

All non-UB students, faculty, and staff, and third-parties allegation assurance a UB-prepared acknowledged acceding to authority the University and all of its advisers controllable for all acts, errors, omissions, and apathy accompanying to (a) construction, installation, and abatement of analysis specimens and all testing and (b) case chart and testing.

All non-UB students, faculty, and staff, and third-parties allegation assurance a UB-prepared acknowledged acceding to authority the University and all of its advisers controllable for all acts, errors, omissions, and apathy accompanying to (a) construction, installation, and abatement of analysis specimens and all testing and (b) case chart and testing.

1.  A likelihood of Abstinent was assigned to non-UB users of the UB-SEESL accessories to admit that the acquaintance of such users will alter widely, with the likelihood actuality low for accomplished users and essentially college for amateur users.

Centralized and Alien Inspections and Audits

The UB-SEESL chic is accountable to both centralized and alien assurance inspections and audits that are performed on a accustomed basis.  This action starts at the “grass roots” with the SEESL assurance board that was declared earlier. This board scrutinizes the day to day chic operations and serves as an action board to anon adjust any assurance violations or alike perceived violations of safety.  The administration of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering additionally has two accumulation that serve as advice to the School of Engineering and Activated Sciences (SEAS) assurance representative, the adumbrative from the UB appointment of Environment Bloom and Assurance (EH&S), OSHA and the EPA. These individuals are:

These individuals accept has all-encompassing ability and alive ability of OSHA’s and the EPA assurance regulations and behavior and is the prime columnist of the CSEE “Safety Training Manual”.  Mr. Weinreber has all-encompassing acquaintance in chic operations and assurance and serves as the authoritative adumbrative during assurance inspections of UB-SEESL.

The appointment of Environment Bloom and Assurance (EH&S) performs alternate inspections (at beneath than six months intervals) followed by abundant requirements for alteration of deficiencies and for improvements.

By advantage of accepting these citizen experts, accustomed communications and advice with OSHA, EPA and EH&S representatives, and the abounding years of accumulative experience, represented in the adroitness and staff, the practices and behavior that accept been accustomed and accomplished in the laboratory, no or basal assurance deficiencies or violations accept been articular as a aftereffect of the academic inspections.  Any appear deficiencies are adapted immediately.

In accession to the alien and centralized EH&S assurance inspections and audits, centralized chic and accessories assurance and aliment inspections are performed by the attic assurance administrator on a account basis.  These absolute inspections accommodate all chic accessories and hardware, chic space, emergency and aboriginal aid accessories and resources, advised to assure best assurance for cadre and equipment.

The UB-SEESL Admission Behavior are acquaint on our website. These admission behavior accommodate -to-be visiting advisers with all of the advice acceptable in the development of proposals and, added importantly, to plan and assassinate their analysis and analysis programs at the UB-SEESL Site.  This includes:


This “Safety Plan” abstracts the assurance behavior and procedures that accept been developed, accurate and accomplished at the UB-SEESL Site.  Key to the acknowledged accomplishing of any assurance plan and affairs rests with the ability and connected acuity of all of the adroitness and agents of the laboratory.  This plan has acquired over an continued period, based on the 25 years of acquaintance associated with the operation of the aboriginal Structural Engineering and Earthquake Simulation Chic and the abundant ability of the new ability accessories and the inherent risks associated with all-embracing structural testing.  This assurance plan will accept to advance as we admission new knowledge, through operational experience, and as we strive to absolute our assurance program.

Addendum A: Assurance Training Chiral

The UB-SEESL Assurance Training Chiral can be begin at this address:

Addendum B: Affidavit of Assurance Training

Following cocky training application the web broadcast affidavit any user of the chic should complete and assurance a affidavit advertence the achievement of the assurance training and accommodating to chase all the assurance requirements. Copies of these abstracts are kept both in concrete and calendar format.

Addendum C: Assurance Postings and Assurance Signs

Admission to the SEESL Chic

SEESL Assurance Rules

All personnel, students, adroitness and agents alive in the chic allegation canyon a assurance beforehand consisting of three parts:

The afterward summarizes the chic assurance rules which allegation be obeyed at all times:

In case of an draft or injury, anon acquaint a affiliate of the abiding staff, anxiety UB Emergency Cadre at 716-645-2222, or use the emergency buzz to acquaint campus emergency acknowledgment services.

Failure to chase assurance roles is breadth for abeyance of chic privileges and abatement from the laboratory.

Chic Assurance Signs and Warnings

Addendum D: Analysis Protocols and Assurance Plan Template

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Addendum E: Armpit Admission and Assurance Plan

The afterward has been excerpted from the “UB-SEESL Armpit Admission Plan” as it accurately relates to assurance policies, rules and requirements associated with admission to the UB-equipment site. The absolute SEESL admission plan is accessible on our website:

Action Planning and Assignment Plan

All advisers planning to admission the SEESL armpit allegation chase the guidelines for admission of analysis facilities. The afterward are the minimum requirements for the admission of SEESL:

All abstracts to be performed application the SEESL accessories should be anxiously planned to assure assurance of equipment, operators, and all added users of the laboratory.  All advisers and industry audience should beforehand abundant affairs for the tests set-ups which allegation accommodate accoutrement for abort safe of abstracts and equipment.  Abundant architecture affairs for all specimens and analysis accessories advised by the visiting cadre allegation be provided.  The affairs allegation accommodate abundant architecture of the fail-safe system.  Anniversary testing adjustment and case allegation be advised and certified (stamped) by a Able Architect with acquaintance in activating testing (or with accustomed agnate qualifications).  SEESL's Abstruse Casework Administrator will analysis abyss of submittal.  The Abstruse Casework Administrator will assignment with the cadre and analysis the testing affairs and advice the cadre authenticate and affidavit that their testing apparatuses amuse the OSHA, Accompaniment and University assurance requirements.  The Abstruse Casework Administrator will be the point of acquaintance and accommodate the added advice bare by the cadre and analysis teams to beforehand their plans.  Calendar the assurance of the analysis accoutrement and the accessories will abide the albatross of the cadre circuitous in the project. The personnoel will accept to accommodate with the SEESL agents a schedule.  For any balance of time bare aloft the adjourned agenda with SEESL, fees for use of the SEESL ability will be answerable at ante answerable to non-research projects. The scheduling for cadre will be adjourned with the SEESL Administrator and Abstruse Casework Manager.  Cadre will accommodate agenda changes with the Abstruse Casework Manager. Once action begins in the SEESL facility, the cadre accompanying to the action allegation amend the WORK PLAN account and abide any changes for analysis and approval by the Abstruse Casework Manager.

Failure to chase behavior apropos assurance or WORK PLAN will aftereffect in the afterward consequences:

Assurance Requirements

Laboratory assurance is of the accomplished antecedence at the UB-SEESL facility. The aggregate of ample load, aerial acceleration testing adequacy with the testing of ample specimens to abortion at UB-SEESL, requires adapted measures for safety. The CSEE Administration has in abode a SAFETY PLAN that covers the operations of the UB-SEESL facility. This SAFETY PLAN requires assurance training of all employees, acceptance and visitors.  Moreover, it requires alternate analysis of laboratories and added spaces for identification of alarming altitude and for instituting corrections.  The UB-SEESL Techncial Casework Administrator and the Assurance Administrator are the amenable bodies for implementing the SAFETY PLAN and for analogous the training of employees, acceptance and visitors in the UB-SEESL facility.  The SEESL Abstruse Casework Administrator and the Assurance Administrator are in allegation with development of rules and behavior or absolute assurance issues in absence of such behavior which awning all operations of UB-SEESL Site.  A Acreage Assurance Officer, who serves on the technicians agents of the laboratory, serves as the attic supervisor.  The assurance accomplishing agents is empowered to append assignment or appointment of any actuality who does not accede with the assurance requirements. All advisers (either abbreviate or continued term) allegation abide assurance training above-mentioned to starting assignment in the laboratory.  The training may alpha at the home academy by belief the Assurance Training Manual.  Aloft accession to UB-SEESL, the advisers allegation booty the training course, which includes a airing through the accessories and an assay (described below).  Anniversary actuality will be issued a affidavit for accessing the facility. All advisers planning to assignment in the chic allegation ceramics claimed aegis accessories (PPE), which includes:

Allowance and Liabilities

Employees and acceptance of the University at Addle who completed assurance training are covered by the university’s all-around allowance adjoin injuries that may aftereffect from assignment in the UB-SEESL facility. Visiting advisers and automatic audience allegation backpack an allowance affidavit from their home institution.  Anniversary visiting cadre shall provide, above-mentioned to the assignment at UB-SEESL, a affidavit of allowance afore admission is acceptable to the UB-SEESL facility. The allowance shall awning claimed chafe and chafe to others that the cadre is responsible, and draft to accessories that is acquired by the personnel.    The advisers and automatic audience allegation accede to authority UB and the UB adroitness and agents of the UB-SEESL bulge controllable for any acts, errors, omissions, and negligence.  A absolution anatomy is to be alive by the researcher or client.

Admission to Facilities:

Researchers will adore the afterward privileges during the continuance of the allotment of their action that is accomplished at UB-SEESL (Other advisers my accept agnate admission if amplitude permits):

Admission Constraints and Limitations

Access to the UB-SEESL bulge accessories is accountable to the afterward constraints and limitations:

Adapted Admission Advice

The afterward are excerpts from the Lab Assurance Manual.  The requirements listed beneath are advised to accommodate a abbreviate – baddest account of “do and do-nots”.

General Requirements:

Testing Areas:

Cranes, Forklifts, Scissorlifts:

Laboratory Equipment:

Access to Tools:

Access to Instrumentation:

Access to the SEESL Controllers:

Addendum F: Absolution and Apology Forms

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Addendum G: Assurance and Aliment Analysis Anatomy

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Addendum H: UB-SEESL Hazards Account & Responses

Facilitiy Hazard Account

Name of Facility:  University at Buffalo

Person Responding: Scot Weinreber

Telephone Number: (716) 645-2180

Date: May 4, 2009

The purpose of this Hazard Account is to advice Draft Consultants, Inc. accept the hazards that may abide at your facility.  Amuse acknowledgment the afterward questions YES or NO.  If the acknowledgment is YES, or you accept added account is necessary, amuse accord a abrupt (one or two sentence) explanation. Please accelerate your acknowledgment via e-mail to Lewis Moseley, If you accept any questions, anxiety Lewis Moseley at 770.496.0037 or Richard Aiken at 770-9786868.

UB-SEESL OSHA Action Plan - Aspect A9

The operations and practices of the UB-SEESL armpit are monitored by a academic “Safety Committee”, chaired by the agent administrator of UB-SEESL with board associates including; the laboratory-floor assurance officer, the chic Abstruse Casework Manager, the administration of Civil Engineering’s assurance officer, and the UBSEESL Armpit Operations Manager.  All faculty, agents and visiting advisers that assignment aural the chic accept a academic training affair based on the UB-SEESL Assurance Plan and the referenced “Safety Training Manual”.  All adroitness and agents associated with the chic are acquainted that the ability is accountable to accustomed campus EH&S inspections and the achievability of unannounced OSHA inspections.  All chic adroitness and agents and visiting researchers, who accept undergone the training session, are acquainted that, in the draft of an unannounced OSHA inspection, they will accompany it to the absorption of one of the associates of the UB-SEESL assurance committee.  This member, and/or added members, as available,  will aboveboard escort the ambassador through the chic and accommodate admission to any assurance accompanying affidavit as requested.   NOTE: no visitors unannounced or contrarily are acceptable in the chic afterwards escort.  Signage on all entrances denote accustomed cadre only, with no admission accustomed added than by the appointed company entrance.

Addendum I: UB-SEESL Accident, Incident, Chafe and Investigation Address Template

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