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Evan You, architect of the Vue.js front-end framework, afresh presented at the Vue Amsterdam 2021 appointment the latest and approaching Vue developments.

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You emphasized that Vue 3 was a huge absolution to which genitalia of the Vue ecosystem are currently adjusting to. Vue Router 4 and VueX 4 are now abiding and abutment Vue 3. Other genitalia of the ecosystem (e.g., Nuxt, Vuetify, Quasar, Element Plus, Ant Design Vue are communicable up).

Future developments in agreement of development acquaintance circumduct about three axes: body tools, assembly experience, and IDE support. While Vue can be acclimated as a drop-in runtime library, You sees Vue as a framework that is declared to accommodate a adamant and absolute development experience. You explained:

I am a Vue user as well; and every time I’m aggravating to circuit up a Webpack-based Vue project, I accept to go through the action of installing hundreds of megabytes of dependencies and again accepting to delay several abnormal for a activity to alpha up. […] I absolutely absence the canicule area I could aloof accessible up an index.html, bead some cipher in it, and see it instantly alpha up, see it instantly reflect any changes I make.[…] It seems to me the [that the] alone analytic cessation is to amount out how to accomplish things fast.

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The Vite body tool, which is now framework-agnostic, is Vue’s attack to bear a fast body apparatus to Vue developers. Vite has taken some account from casual developments like Snowpack or WMR, and uses the ES modules abutment provided by avant-garde browsers to acceleration up acknowledgment loops in development. You said:

There are integrations — if you are primarily alive with back-end frameworks like Rails or Laravel. There are already accoutrement that acquiesce you to use Vite in there, but you can additionally use Vite as a standalone Vue CLI agnate for architecture SPAs [Single-Page Applications].[…]From my claimed experience, some apps that would crave added than 30 abnormal to alpha with Webpack or Rollup […] now about alpha aural one or two abnormal with a Vite-based setup. I accept this affectionate of acceleration advance is so cogent that it is account rethinking how the accomplished applique mural should work.

In the short-term, Vite and the Vue CLI should co-exist, with a appearance to accepting them assemble in the continued term.

You added declared advancing abstracts to advance the assembly experience. The <script bureaucracy > RFC abstracts with a new calligraphy blazon in Vue’s single-file apparatus that provides a added abridged syntax for the bureaucracy action alien in Vue 3’s Agreement API. Another RFC lets developers declaratively call stateful styles, with the aggregate basic leveraging CSS variables. The ref amoroso RFC seeks to abridge the syntax of declaring and application acknowledging abstracts (declared with the ref action in Vue 3’s agreement API). The Vue developer association has been accouterment its comments to the advancing RFCs.

In agreement of IDE support, You emphasized that an added cardinal of users are expecting absolute blazon checking, cipher intelligence, and refactoring abutment in single-file basic templates. Currently, Vetur, VueDX, and Volar are accouterment IDE support. You thinks that it is time to accumulate the after-effects of these explorations in a distinct tool:

The botheration is that the user acquaintance appropriate now can be a bit burst and confusing. If you’re starting a new activity now, you accept to adjudge which addendum to use; or whether to go with the Visual Studio Cipher addendum path; or go with the TypeScript plugin path; and how to get the best of all of these accoutrement calm afterwards accepting to configure them individually.Now I accept it’s time for us to array of consolidate these efforts […] and present an official solution.

You estimated that six months afterwards the release, about 8% of Vue apps are application Vue 3. You speculated that Vue 3 acceptance may be slowed as users are cat-and-mouse on genitalia of the ecosystem to abutment the new version. A bigger clearing aisle and bequest browser abutment (IE11) may additionally advice added adoption. You announced:

The abutting big focus [in the aboriginal bisected of 2021] will be the clearing amid Vue 2 and Vue 3. We appetite to amount out what’s the best way for bodies to migrate, or amount out what’s the best way to get the allowances of Vue 3 maybe afterwards migration. [We also] appetite to amount out what’s the best way to accumulate the accomplished framework ecosystem affective advanced with the accustomed actuality that Vue 2 is actuality to break and the two above versions will coexist.

While the ahead mentioned factors may accept slowed bottomward the acceptance of Vue 3, it is additionally accessible that Vue 3’s new appearance are not adorable abundant or can be somewhat replicated in Vue 2. One developer abundant several means to carbon or alter Vue 3's new appearance with Vue 2’s in an commodity blue-blooded Yes, Vue 3 is out but you apparently don’t charge it.

The Vue aggregation additionally ambitions to accommodate bigger cipher reclaim amid Vue 2 and Vue 3, analyze best practices for assembly libraries that assignment beyond versions, and amend bequest browser support.

Vue.js Amsterdam is a annual appointment targeted at Vue developers with talks acclamation the latest technologies and trends in software development.

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