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Shield Id Card Template

BlazingCDN is a Warsaw-based aggregation which claims to action a world-class CDN annual for an ultra-budget price.

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The official affection annual looks reasonable. The arrangement includes abandoned 20 locations, for instance, but the aggregation says they're all Tier 4 abstracts centers (as acceptable as it gets, basically), with 'world-leading' providers and admission to Tier 1 networks.

There's abutment for advance and cull zones, with video and HTTP alive available. Chargeless Let's Encrypt SSL is a bang away, Gzip and HTTP/2 advice optimize performance, you get burning accumulation ablution (total or per-URL), and agent absorber support, IP what blacklisting and hotlinking abutment are befuddled in.

Run into problems and BlazingCDN's knowledgebase is instantly available. Will it help, though? Maybe not.

When we saw an commodity advantaged 'Managing cull area preferences', for instance, we accepted a abundant annual of the assorted settings. Instead, it has mostly aloof a few words on anniversary of the options. If you're apprehensive what enabling 'CORS header' does, for instance, the commodity says only: 'Ability to allotment assets amid altered origin.'

Still, if the website leaves you baffled, absolute alive animal abutment is accessible 24/7 via email and admission (there's no alive chat, though).

BlazingCDN claims to action 'the best CDN casework at the best prices', and while we're not absolutely abiding about the 'best service' part, there's no agnosticism it's actively cheap.

The company's Pay-As-You-Go plan is priced at $0.005 per GB, for instance, wherever it is in the apple (there are no cher bounded variations).

That agency 6TB of annual cartage costs you aloof $30. Bunny's Standard plan adeptness allegation from $60-$360, depending on your traffic; CDN77 asks $199, and Fastly adeptness allegation $720-$1,680, with requests as an extra.

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Not impressed? Amazingly, Pay-As-You-Go is BlazingCDN's best big-ticket option, and you can save alike added with a annual plan.

There are several tiers, but to booty aloof one example: 25TB of annual cartage costs $125 on the Pay-As-You-Go scheme, but drops to $106.25 if you assurance up to pay per month, a tiny $0.00425 per GB.

Creating a BlazingCDN annual looked simple, with an aperture box allurement abandoned for our email abode and password. But afterwards accepting accomplished that, the armpit additionally prompted for our name, buzz cardinal and address, while business users allegation additionally access their aggregation name, position, and a taxation ID.

Despite this actuality a chargeless trial, you're prompted to access your acclaim agenda details. That seemed odd, as the armpit claims in assorted places that you can pay via PayPal, but we saw no PayPal advantage during signup. (PayPal and added acquittal formats, including Bitcoin, are supported, but they're not arresting until after back you top up your balance.)

The aggregation says it 'does not allegation you until you alpha application paid services', but it's added difficult to booty ascendancy of that if you've handed over acclaim agenda details, rather than set up a PayPal agreement.

We anticipation that maybe we could annul our acclaim agenda capacity from the dashboard, but no. The dashboard doesn't alike affectation the capacity of the agenda you've provided, let abandoned accord you any way to change them.

BlazingCDN says it warns users of accuse afore affective them on to a annual plan, but it doesn't accommodate any of the approved options to advice users booty ascendancy of their account. You can't about-face off automated announcement from the dashboard, there's no 'cancel plan' option, and no commodity in the knowledgebase cogent you how to do this.

Okay, there's a Change Pricing Plan option, so what if we switched to the Pay-As-You-Go plan, and deleted our zones? If we weren't application any traffic, we wouldn't be billed. Seemed like a solid plan, but there was a problem: the dashboard abandoned accustomed us to about-face amid the annual plans. Pay-As-You-Go wasn't an option.

We gave up and aloft a ticket, allurement some of the questions we've aloft here. Like, how could we pay via PayPal? How could we administer or annul the acclaim agenda capacity we'd handed over? How could we about-face to a Pay-As-You-Go plan back the advantage wasn't accessible in the dashboard?

The abutting morning, we arrested our BlazingCDN account. It was now on a Pay-As-You-Go plan, but our admission had disappeared, and so our added questions remained unanswered. A mistake? We approved adopting addition admission with a altered artefact query, and this time got a acknowledgment aural a brace of hours, so there could be advice if you allegation it.

In a final attack to bulk out BlazingCDN's acquittal policies, we went over its Terms and Conditions. There were some odd issues, not atomic that it seemed accounting for a web hosting company. You still assurance up to it back you duke over your cash, though, which is why we were afraid to apprehend this in the Bulk and Payments section:

'You accede not to acknowledge any acquittal in favor of the Provider as crooked after justified reasons. You accede that for any bottomless account of such affectionate you shall pay the Provider the agnate bulk or obligation with an added bulk of $100, as the Provider’s authoritative costs accompanying to your bottomless statement.'

If you affirmation BlazingCDN has taken acquittal after authorization, and it disagrees, it affluence the appropriate to accomplished you? It's adamantine to brainstorm how that would anytime happen, or any cloister would advocate it, but we don't anamnesis anytime seeing addition aggregation abuse its barter in absolutely that way.

None of this agency BlazingCDN will bill you after permission, or course, or has anytime done that to anyone – or absolutely will allegation $100 if you complain. Our assumption would be this is added about actuality absent-minded than malicious; the aggregation bare a Terms and Conditions folio in a hurry, acclimated an old web hosting Terms and Conditions arrangement because it didn't accept annihilation else, and has no ambition of application any of its baby book to bolt you out.

Still, this creates a actual poor impression, abrogation BlazingCDN attractive amateurish in the extreme, and absolutely not like a aggregation we would accept to assurance with our website.

Sort out any plan or payment-related hassles and BlazingCDN presents its appearance and options on a accustomed web dashboard.

If you've acclimated a CDN before, you'll accept the basics appropriate away. We chose the Anycast CDN option, entered a cull area name, the URL of our agent server, and created it with a click. (We could additionally accept acicular the annual at BlazingCDN's billow storage.)

The Preferences area has a baby cardinal of basal settings. You can accredit an agent shield, which allows CDN nodes to get their agreeable from a defined CDN node, rather than your server, abbreviation its load.

A Time to Alive amount represents the best lifetime of an article in BlazingCDN's cache. The minimum amount is an hour, and you can abandoned set ethics in accomplished hours, which is a little adamant (most CDNs abutment TTLs of minutes, some acquiesce you to use seconds).

An HTTPS area includes HTTP/2 support, a Redirect to HTTPS advantage and the adeptness to use SSL (shared, chargeless Let's Encrypt, or your own certificate).

There are a baby cardinal of hardly added abstruse tweaks. GET ambit can be removed from queries to advance the adventitious of accumulation hits. Furthermore, you can set a minimum cardinal of book requests afore an article is cached, maybe abbreviation billow accumulator use, additional there's abutment for CORS, and caching Gzipped agreeable separately.

The armpit has a brace of added cull area settings, but they're no added inspiring. 'Hotlink protection' gives you a whitelist for domains accustomed to hotlink files, but annihilation more; a Accumulation area enables ablution the accumulation in abounding or by path, and that's it.

This may able-bodied be abundant to get by if your activity is simple and you appetite article that you can set and forget. If you're attractive to absorb time fine-tuning the annual to clothing your absolute requirements, though, this adeptness not be the artefact for you.

BlazingCDN is very, very, actual cheap, but it doesn't accept abounding features, and questions over announcement and some abhorrent baby book surprises accomplish it absurd to recommend.

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