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Trivia Powerpoint Template

Although it's the apparatus of best for dry business presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint is advantageous for about annihilation that requires you to affectation argument to groups of people. If you're in allegation of a trivia challenge or aloof appetite to accomplish abiding bodies are advantageous absorption to your presentation, set up a PowerPoint presentation to affectation questions and afterwards acknowledge the answers. Application PowerPoint you may alike bury pictures or articulation to audio files, enabling you to actualize multimedia trivia questions.

Free Trivia PowerPoint Template - Free PowerPoint Templates For Trivia Powerpoint Template

Open a new presentation and set up its look. If you're abacus some questions to an absolute presentation, use the aforementioned formatting and add new slides at the end for your trivia questions. If you'll be presenting pub trivia or a agnate format, accede simple formatting so that the words are arresting beyond a awash room.

Create your questions on a alternation of slides with one catechism per slide. Leave abundant amplitude for the acknowledgment at the basal of anniversary accelerate or actualize abstracted argument boxes for your catechism and answer.

Quiz Vorlagen für PowerPoint - 2 gratis Templates  SlideLizard Intended For Trivia Powerpoint Template

Decide whether you appetite to add the answers anon afterwards the questions arise or as a abstracted set of slides. If a trivia challenge will be awful competitive, such as pub trivia, actualize one presentation with the questions alone and save a acutely apparent archetype that additionally includes the answers so that you can ask the questions calm and acknowledge the answers at a afterwards time. If your trivia questions are informal, you may accommodate answers aural the aboriginal presentation.

Embed or articulation audio for agreeable trivia questions, if desired. To add audio, bang the Insert tab and accept "Sound From File" from the "Audio" drop-down menu. Confirm that you appetite to comedy the audio by beat the apostle figure in your slide.

Add the acknowledgment beneath anniversary catechism and again use PowerPoint's animations affection to affectation the acknowledgment separately. To add an animation, baddest the accelerate and bang the Animations tab. Accept "Custom Animation" from the Animations drop-down list. Baddest the answer, accept an Entrance action and set the Timing to "On Click."

Test your slides by beat the Accelerate Show figure at the basal larboard of the PowerPoint window or by acute the "F5" key. Back your presentation is ready, save it as a PowerPoint Show (.pps) book so that it will comedy automatically back opened. This way you'll abstain aback announcement the account of raw slides afore you activate the presentation.



Writer Bio

Michael Cox writes about affairs issues, accepted culture, sports and technology. In a career spanning added than 10 years, he has contributed to dozens of magazines, books and websites, including and "Adobe Magazine." Cox holds a able affidavit in abstruse communications from the University of Washington.

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