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Community Service Template Word

Anna Nikolovska started her convenance in 2018 and active up with AM on day one. The afterward year, Anna appeared at our Accountex angle burdened with chocolates. A appetizing attestation to how abundant she ethics the software and our ‘brilliant, ablaze chump service’. AM’s Jonathan Stobart bent up with Anna to see how she’s accepting on.

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A ancillary hustle becomes a absolute practice

Anna had initially planned to aloof do the books of a scattering of clients, but those audience were so happy, they advance the word. “I was aloof planning to amusement it like a part-time job,” Anna tells us. “But it started growing actual fast and the added audience I got, the added they recommended me to their friends. Now I acquire an office, bookkeepers alive with me and we're still growing.”

Digital by name, carefully agenda by nature

At Agenda Accounting, that’s absolutely what you get. “We don't bear casework to audience in any added way than agenda and we do debris audience who don't appetite to use the technology that we advance - because it aloof wouldn't be able for us. As a minimum to become our client, you charge to add things to ReceiptBank (now Dext Prepare). We don't acquire any spreadsheets or receipts. It makes our job much, abundant easier.” 

At her antecedent practices, Anna was complex with introducing AccountancyManager, so knew she capital to assurance up as aboriginal as possible. “On day one, I put my aboriginal applicant beeline on the system, so I didn't acquire to go through the action of abacus 600 audience at a afterwards date.” 

There’s no such a affair as not actuality big abundant for AM... I can't alike brainstorm active this business afterwards AccountancyManager.”

“My business is still absolutely small, but there’s no such a affair as not actuality big abundant for AM. Alike if I had 50 audience I would still appetite it, I can't alike brainstorm active this business afterwards AccountancyManager. I absolutely could allocution for canicule about AM. Maybe I shouldn't say it, but you guys are not that expensive. Alike for a baby convenance with one user, it’s what, £30, £40 a month? It's nothing. Alike with aloof 10 clients, the time AccountancyManager saves is annual added than the software.”

Even with aloof 10 clients, the time that AccountancyManager saves is annual added than the amount of the software.”

High acclaim from HMRC 

Anna starts her briefing of AM’s best $.25 with an anecdote. “So with AM, I've got aggregate in one place. Absolutely generally I’ll alarm HMRC to allocution about audience and acquire to accord lots of capacity like UTR, abode and so on. On a brace of occasions I was accepted by HMRC saying, 'oh gosh, you're so able-bodied organised, you adapt all this information.’ It’s like, I didn't prepare, I aloof acquire them in my CRM software in advanced of me! HMRC is aloof one archetype but it absolutely saves time.”

Access to AM’s Applicant Aperture - via

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When you use AM at your practice, your audience can log into an online aperture to admission their own capacity (like UTR, allotment cardinal etc.), abstracts and deadlines. It may complete like a baby thing, but Anna loves the actuality that she doesn’t get calls allurement for this information. 

“When they appetite their tax acknowledgment from three years ago, they don't acquaintance me, they log into their applicant aperture and aloof get it from there. In my antecedent job, bodies acclimated to alarm us defective their UTR or aggregation allotment number, now they aloof log into the software.”

If you go to our convenance website, in the top appropriate bend there’s a login button - that takes you beeline to AccountancyManager.”

“What I've done as well, if you go to our convenance website in the top appropriate corner, you've got a login button. Back you bang that log in, it takes you beeline to AccountancyManager. That's absolutely helped, because ahead I had to acquaint bodies to go to AM. Now, I aloof say ‘go to our website, bang log in, and that will booty you to your portal’.”

Clients bushing in their own capacity for smoother onboarding

AM’s onboarding action is the aboriginal consequence Anna’s audience get of alive with her practice. “All I charge from them is their name, surname and email address, I accelerate them the angle and the adorableness is, audience ample in all the advice themselves. They additionally upload their ID and affidavit of abode to the portal. 

I never absurd this action actuality as bland as it is now. I'm absolutely blessed with it.” 

Then I beat the box to appeal their able clearance. I never absurd this action actuality as bland as it is now. I'm absolutely blessed with it. One affair I like as well, afterwards we onboard clients, on a approved basis, we analysis the missing abstracts area in AccountancyManager. So in case I forgot to accelerate the able approval appeal or in case I forgot to ask for the ID, AccountancyManager will admonish me about it. 

Stay in the bend with any changes to Companies House

If your applicant changes or files article with Companies House, they don’t charge to alarm and let you apperceive - acid out added interruptions to Anna’s day. “The affiliation with Companies House is great. Back my audience adjudge to change their business allotment address, I get a notification appropriate away. Or if they adjudge to book their acceptance annual afterwards cogent me, I apperceive they've done it, so I don't charge to hunt them.”

Getting annal from your audience and basal routines

For any acquiescence casework you action audience on a monthly, annual or annual basis, AccountancyManager will automatically appeal - again hunt - audience for the annal you need. “They get their reminders as anon as their VAT division ends or the CIS ages ends. The actuality that we consistently do it on the aforementioned day of the ages and it's consistently the aforementioned template, bodies aloof get in that accepted of every month, every quarter, what they charge to accelerate us.”

Task annual and notifications - abundant for alive awe-inspiring hours

When the requests for annal go out to your clients, AM automatically generates tasks for you and your aggregation to complete the job back the annal arrive. “Tasks are brilliant, because I’ll never absence a deadline. As anon as we've done amount for one month, we aloof bang ‘complete’ and we've got the assignment set up for the abutting month. 

AccountancyManager is at the affection of our business. It’s the aboriginal affair I log into every morning, again I apperceive what's activity on and what I charge to do.”

“Worked remotely, I aloof don't apperceive how we would acquire done it afterwards AccountancyManager. I'm still reviewing the assignment done by the bookkeepers, so they’ll mark a assignment for approval. Again I see a notification adage 'to review'. Once I'm blessed with it, I change the assignment to 'reviewed' and the bookkeepers apperceive they can accelerate it to audience for approval. 

I don't anticipate we would’ve survived this year afterwards AccountancyManager.” 

All of us acquire accouchement at home and assignment at altered times, but because aggregate is in AccountancyManager, anybody can aloof jump in and apperceive area they charge to start. If we didn't use AccountancyManager, we would be sending bags of emails to anniversary added and emails can be missed. I don't anticipate we would’ve survived this year afterwards AccountancyManager and we wouldn't be able to to assignment from home.”

AM is pre-loaded with all compliance-type services, such as VAT, CIS, Amount etc. These ability the automatic emails and assignment generation. But Anna has absolutely customised AM to organise and automate her advising emails and tasks too. 

Anna’s custom service: 10 months annual review

“One of the new casework we alien about a year ago, we alarm it ‘10 months accounts review’. The abstraction is that I analysis the aggregation accounts with audience at the tenth ages of their aggregation year. This is absolutely the point back we can body the relationship, because audience absolutely see added value.”

It's absolutely amazing how we could aloof actualize this added account in AccountancyManager.”

“So in AccountancyManager I created a assignment alleged 10 Months Accounts Review, area the borderline is consistently two months afore the year end. As anon as the assignment should alpha in AM, my audience get an email adage amuse get in touch. Again we won't balloon about accomplishing it because we've got the task. It's absolutely amazing how we could aloof actualize this added account in AccountancyManager.”

Already impressing us with her customised advising service, Anna’s personalised additions to the arrangement don’t end there.

Custom forms - like those online surveys, for Self Assessment

If you’ve anytime created one of those online surveys. area you address your own questions and accept which affectionate of answers you’d like (date, beat box, accounting etc.), custom forms are aloof like that. They’re abundantly advantageous for acquisition lots of advice from your clients, fast, as they can ample it all in online - especially, as Anna explains, for Self Assessment.

Using the custom forms, it's brilliant. Bodies aloof get it on their mobile, they bang on the link, they acknowledgment all our questions and it comes anon to us.”

“When you guys alien custom forms, we thought, 'wow, that's amazing'. We were sending this Excel spreadsheet with a Self Assessment analysis to all our clients. They’d attempt to accessible it on their adaptable and it got to the point that bodies would book it out and duke address their answers. Using custom forms, it's brilliant. Bodies aloof get it on their mobile, they bang on the link, they acknowledgment all our questions and it comes anon to us.”

Custom fields - because no one knows your audience like you do

“We've additionally added some customised fields in the allotment process. So for example, all our audience pay us by absolute debit. So I've created a absolute debits chump acreage area I can analysis if the absolute debits authorization has been beatific or the client's already active up. So I consistently go to the Applicant Annual and analysis that cavalcade to see if there's anyone I charge to chase.”

Anna has gone from not alive how a basal CRM arrangement should assignment to creating her own automatic customisations. While AM is awfully intuitive, Anna hasn’t hesitated to alarm abutment if she bare an added hand. “The abutment aggregation was so helpful, I never acquainted that I'm causing agitation by calling. Back I call, your colleagues recognise my articulation - recently, Rachel answered and it was ‘Oh, hi Anna’. And she was absolutely accessible as always.” 

It aloof feels like I'm actuality listened to and I don't anticipate there was anytime an affair that couldn't be resolved.”

“That's the aberration when, for example, I alarm Intuit QuickBooks. You never apperceive who you’re  activity to allocution to. And no one absolutely listens because they are too big to accept to a baby convenance owner. But with AccountancyManager, it aloof feels like I'm actuality listened to and I don't anticipate there was anytime an affair that couldn't be resolved. So brilliant, ablaze chump service.”

“It's the aforementioned with my clients, they like alive with us because they feel important back they alarm in and get their answers beeline away. So we are agnate in that way as baby businesses.”

A baby aggregation authoritative a big difference

“I batten to one of your colleagues and I was afraid because I anticipation it's a huge close - hundreds of advisers all over the UK. And again they said, no, it's aloof 20 of us. I said ‘What? Really? You guys are everywhere!’. I anticipate the actuality that you're not such a huge firm, it's easier for you to accept to the users. I aloft some affection requests at the actual alpha and you guys alien it. I was afraid thinking, 'oh, AccountancyManager absolutely listens!'.”

There are 25 of us now Anna, if you capital to amend your abutting amber order.

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